The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

R.I.P Mother!

It was the beginning of November, and Jack Frost started his work making frost on the windows of houses and vehicles. I woke every morning to see pretty frost on my bedroom windows. I smiled at it, because Jack was making sure I felt like I was back at the North Pole.

It was the day after Halloween, and I get up early in the morning to get myself ready for the day. I walk to the bathroom to wash my face, and get dress into a pair of jeans and t-shirt. I slash the warm water on my face, washing my face with a face cloth, and raising my face with the water in the sink. I took the small towel by the sink, lifting my head up to the mirror, and removing the towel form my face. I stared in the mirror at a young woman with big dreams in a month and half. Who wants to see a town that has nothing from Christmas in the last 20 years to having Christmas again? I just sigh at the thought, “What am I doing?” I say to myself placing my hands down on the sink edge, and lowering my head. “I cannot change them to have Christmas in a short time, what am I doing?” I started to rethink my idea of changing the town of ‘Happy-villa’ from having no Christmas in along time to having Christmas again. I shook my head at the thought, and finish getting ready for the day. I brush my long sunshine blonde hair, and throwing my hair back into a ponytail. I stared at my self in the mirror, left the bathroom, and went downstairs to have breakfast with Joy.

After breakfast, I was helping Joy sewing a few pieces of costumes for the mayor and his family. I was hand sewing the pieces of the costume, the one that Adam was going to wear, and I was sitting up front the shop sewing. Bobby-Mike keep on flitting with me through out the months, ever since he saw me over the last two months, keep on bring me flowers, and trying to get me to go out on a date. I was not looking for someone to date in that town; I was there to bring back Christmas to ‘Happy-villa’ this year.

I was busy sewing two pieces together by hand, when Adam came walking into the shop. I look up from the pieces of costume at Adam walking around the shop looking at a few costumes. I put the costume pieces down on the chair beside me, and got up from my seat. I walk slowly up to Adam, and ask him a question, “Hey, you need any help?” Why was I nervous around? Is it because we meet 20 years ago on the night my mother was murder on Christmas night? I shook off my nervous, and waited for Adam answer to my question.

Adam looks at me, and asks me a simple question, “Yes, you can help me, Sanna-Lynn. I was wondering if you want to go for a walk with me and a got something to drink.” Adam was a bit nervous around me, and he was showing it a bit.

I look at Adam, and say to him, “Lets me go ask Joy to see if I can go first.” I left the front room to ask Joy in the back room, if I can go with Adam for a walk and a drink.

A few minutes later, I exit the back room with my coat on, and look at Adam. “Joy says it is okay, but I have to be back before dark,” I say to Adam walking to the front door, and opening the front door.

“I will have you back before dark,” Adam told me, and laughing at me a bit. I laugh at Adam, and walking outside the shop with a chuckle from my lips.

We exit the shop, walking down the sheet to the town square were the big Christmas tree was, and I ask Adam a question, knowing what the answer was before Adam told, “Adam, why does the town does not have Christmas anymore?” I keep on walking beside Adam all the way to the tree.

Adam looks at me as we were walking along the sidewalk, “It is because 20 years ago. Some crazy hunters killed the Christmas angel in this town on Christmas night. The mayor told the town the next day, after the town people found the body of the Christmas angel with her own blood around her body. The mayor told us that if Santa Clause gave his boy, Bobby-Mike, the one gift that he wanted this would never happen. The town people did not want the mayor running the show in town, and want his family out of office. The mayor told them that he cannot be replacing, but the one law set to keep his family in power of the town. When the mayor retires Bobby-Mike will be the next mayor of the town,” Adam told me as we walks up to the tree in the square. Adam looks up at the empty tree, and spoke to me in a sad voice, “I remember seeing this tree fully lights and ornaments with my parents before they were killed in a car accident a few months after Christmas, when I was 5 years old.”

I looks at the tree, back at Adam, I spoke to Adam in a sad voice too, and “I know how it feeling of loosing someone that you love very much. I lost my mother at 5 years old too, in a very bad accident, and I with her at the time. I was only one that survives it, and every time I think about it I get very upset.” I started to tearing up a bit, and trying to hold in my feels of been upset. “I wish that my mother was around when I was growing up, my dad raise me all my life with my grandparents helping him. My dad was a very busy man, but he did make time to be with me. It happens on Christmas night, we were traveling to see my grandparents, and my dad was going to met us there. I was singing with my mother, and she telling me thing that I have to know later on in life. Next minute I know, there was mother blood all over the place, and I was screaming for help. We must get into a huge car accident or sometime. I do not like talking about it very much. I am sorry for what I told you. Its just I know that feeling too.” I walk up to the tree, and seeing a headstone there at the bottom of the tree.

I was reading the name on the headstone, and seeing that it was my mother headstone. Adam came up behind me, “She was a wonderful Christmas Angel, it is to bad Christmas is gone forever. We will never have another Christmas, and the world too,” Adam told me from behind me.

I was thinking on the thing Adam told me, and asks Adam with my back to him, “What if there another Christmas Angel?… She has a daughter, and now her daughter is doing the work on Christmas. I see this angel in my home town, and she a very nice angel.”

Adam looks at me from behind me, and asks me in a confusing voice, “What the Christmas Angel has a daughter? What do you mean she has a daughter, and you seeing this younger angel too. I was told by my uncle, the mayor, that there was only one Christmas angel, and she died.”

I turn around to Adam, looking at Adam to say to him, “Do you remember Christmas night 20 years ago? She told me that she meet a young boy that night.”

Adam was thinking back to 20 years ago to Christmas night, and it came to him, “The young girl outside my window wearing a white dress. She now the Christmas Angel, but she only 5 year old.” Adam was in shock at what I told him that the Christmas Angel never would disappear.

“Try 25 year old now, she stop ageing now,” I told Adam with a smiled on my face.

Adam shook his head at me, and looking at me for a minute to say to me, “How do you know about all this stuff about new Christmas angel? Are you friends with her or there something your not tell me, Sanna-Lynn?” Adam walks closer to me, and looking down at me.

I started to panic a bit that I could have say to much about myself that I was really the Christmas Angel. I made up a lied to get Adam off the subject, “I talk to her last Christmas, I wish that I was the one that was died, and not my mother. I was going to take my life on Christmas night, and she stop me form jumping to my death. She told me that she knows what I was going through, and she told me her story, I am telling the truth.”

Adam move away from me, and looking at me with a smile on his face, “Okay, now let go get some warm to drink. There a little café down the street, we can get something there to drink, and warm up. You look cold anyways,” Adam blush a bit at the end. I look at Adam, and blush a bit at him. We walks away from the tree in town square to the little café down the street.

That night, around 11 o’clock, I return to mother resting place, and place a red rose on her grave. I knelt down in front of headstone, and spoke softly and quietly to it, “Hey mom, how it going?… Me?… I am doing well. I been learning a lot from dad, he sends his love to you, and he still in love with you very much. Santa and his wife say hi, they been getting busy with Christmas around the corner, and that a lot of stuff to do before the big day…. Why am I doing here in this town?… I try to get this town back in the Christmas spirit again, I giving them one last chance to have Christmas again or not. If they get into the spirit before Christmas morning, that it no more Christmas forever in this town… It will break my heart to see a town without Christmas forever. Well mom I have to get back to Joy place, and bed here soon. I love you very much, take care.” I lend closer to the headstone, giving the headstone a kiss, getting off the ground, and walking away from the mother-resting place.

The snow slowly started to fall from the sky.

Winter was coming, and so was Christmas.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Sanna-Holly has visit her mother grave with Adam, and coming back to the grave on her own.

Finding out what really happen to the town, and now she know what to do.

But is she falling for Adam or not? Only time can tell.


Also thanks to my first Sub. YEAH! Thank-you whoever you are.