The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

Jack Frost Visit and The Dream!

I toss and turn all night; I cannot get the images of the one Christmas 20 years old, the night my mother was murder by the hunters in town. Even since I visit my mother grave on November 1, I have been having bad dreams of that one night, and what could happen in December closer to Christmas. “No, don’t hurt me…. No, get away from me now…. No, please nnnnoooo,” I scream sitting up in my bed, breathing heavily, and placing my right hand on my chest. “Another nightmare if what could happen to me in December closer to Christmas,” I place my hands on the side of my head, and lowering my head to my bed. “What am I doing?… I will fail at this big time,” It was around midnight that night.

I was getting upset at myself, when I hear a tipping noise coming from my window. I lifted up my head, looking to my window, to see Jack Frost there looking in at me. I remove the covers from my body, get off my bed, wearing my two piece PJS, and walk to the window. I got on my window seat, and opening my window to speak to Jack, “Hey, what are you are doing?” I spoke to Jack making sure no one saw Jack and me talking.

“I was busy frosting up your window, when I saw you tossing and turning in your bed, this been going on for over a month now, so what’s up with that?” Jack asks me flowing in the cold winter night air.

I sat down on my window seat, sticking my face out the window feeling the cold winter wind blowing pass my face, and told Jack what been going down with me for the last month, “Jack every since I visit my mother grave, I been getting more worry that I will fail at this plan for this town. Jack I am afraid that they will find out that I am the Christmas Angel, and they might do something to me that I will not like at all. Jack, what should I do?”

Jack lay on his belly in the air, and spoke to me nicely, “First off: They will not find out that you are the Christmas Angel, stop worrying over that. Second off: Try to be happy for me at lest, I hate seeing you like this. So sad and worry like, this is not the real you at all, at lest smiled for me. Third off: Everyone at the North Pole is counting on you to do this. Santa wants to see Christmas come back to ‘Happy-villa’ this year, he has faith in you to complete this before Christmas Eve. Four off: I need you to return after this year, so I can beat you in a race around the North Pole.”

I laugh at Jack after what he say to me at the end, “You know I will always win at the races, so there,” I say to Jack with a chuckled in my voice, and smiling back at Jack,.

Jack just chuckled at me, and spoke to me, “There that old Sanna-Holly, I know and care for. It nice to see you smiling again, that smile will melt any cold dark heart in a second.”

I smiled at Jack, and spoke to him, “So Santa has faith in me to complete this plan?”

“100 and 10 percent! Yeah! We all have faith in you to complete this plan, and getting this town back into Christmas here soon. It only 10th of December, so you having very little time to complete this plan before Christmas Eve,” Jack told me, and looking down at his watch on his wrist, and say to me nicely. “Well I have to go now, get a lot more frosting up things before dawn, and try to get some sleep at lest. You look like you have not sleep in days,” Jack took off flying through the winter night air.

I watch Jack flying away from my window, I sat up on my window seat, leaving the window open a bit to feel the cold winter air on my skin. I sat there with my knees close to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees, and placing my head down on my knees to think. I was thinking on how I will get this town back into Christmas. “The spirit is here, but why are the people not showing it?… Is it because what the mayor told them 20 years ago, that only one Christmas Angel…. How will I get them to believe that Christmas is still alive and well,” I was whisper to myself, and looking out my window at the snow slowly falling from the night sky. I watch the snowflakes fall onto my windowsill and my bare feet. I started to miss the North Pole, and Santa and his wife. I started to tear up on how many people are counting on me to being Christmas back to this town. I started to get a chill all over my body, and closed my window. I sat there for moment thinking on how much my mother will be proud of me now. I wish that she was still here with me right now, I got off the window seat, walking to my bed, and lay down with the covers covering my body. I try to get some sleep for Jack and myself at lest. I close my eyes, and drift back into a dream.

There was nothing, but darkness around me, I stood in a white light shined down on me. I was wearing my angel clothing, and headpiece. I could hear whispering going on around me in the dark. I can hear a bit of the whisper coming louder in the darkness. I look around to see if anyone was around me, but there was not a single person around in the darkness.

The whispering got louder around me, that I can hear the voices speaking to me clearly, ‘How can she keep that secret from him?… Not telling him the truth about her being the Christmas Angel,’ an older woman voice broke through the darkness in a worry voice.

‘I thought she was a normal person. How could she do this to everyone in the town?’ a young male voice spoke through the darkness.

‘I cannot believe her real?… I thought the Christmas Angel was gone forever…. So who is this person dress like the Christmas Angel?’ a small girl spoke through the darkness in a worry voice.

‘She a fake!… There is no Christmas at all!… She nothing to us at all!’ angry male yelled through the darkness at me in rage.

‘Christmas is gone forever, and there nothing this girl can do!’ another male spoke through the darkness in a sneaky voice to me.

The other voices up roar in angry-rage at me, that I cover my ears with my hands, and collapse to my knees, ‘Stop! Please stop!’ I yelled for help as the voices felt like I was getting beat by the voices, ‘Just STOP!’ I keep on yelling, still on my knees with my hands covering my ears, trying not to let the voices get to me in a bad way.

I felt a warm touch on my right shoulder from behind me, and the voices went silent quickly. I uncover my ears, and turning my head to see who was behind me. My mouth drop opened quickly at who was behind me, and touching my right shoulder with their warming touch. There standing behind me was my mother in her angel clothing, long bell shape shelves and white and gold flowing dress with a headpiece like my in front of her forehead, and looking down at me. ‘My dear Sanna-Holly, you always get this way when things go wrong,’ my mother say to me letting go of my shoulder, and holding out her right hand to me.

I turn around on my knees, taking my mother right hand in my right hand, and having my mother helping me off the ground. I look around to see the darkness gone from my sight into a white light area. I stood there looking at my mother with a shock look on my face, ‘Mother?’ I rub my eyes with my hands to see if I was seeing things, but I was not. My mother was standing in front of me now. ‘What are you doing here?… I thought your death for good… I saw you dieing right in front of me… How can this be?’ I say to my mother in a shock voice, that I try to finger out what is going on around me. How could my mother be standing in front of me after been died for 20 years?

My mother spoke to me in her motherly voice, ‘Sanna-Holly, I am only an image to you, but I do love you. I came to you to say that you can do this plan very well, and I have faith in you. You have grown up so quickly that you forgot what the real Christmas spirit really is to everyone.’

I thought for a moment, then it came to me, ‘To spend time with family and friends, and it is not about the gifts, but the time we have together as a family. The one night that everything bad will stop. All the hurt… All the pain and suffering… All the fighting… Will stop for one day of the year that means more then ever before? Christmas is the time of year to forgive those who hurt you, and start something new…. I forgot those years ago. The Christmas will shine bright to show the Christmas spirit in everyone hearts in the town… I remember now. Thanks mother, I need that,’ I say to my mother giving her a hug.

‘Your welcome sweetheart, now what about a boy that you got a crush on?’ my mother ask me looking into my face.

I blush few a second, and answer back to her, ‘My mother, I have one boy that I am crushing on. There my good friend Adam, and we are only friends, that all.’ I did not want her finding out that I have a crush on a human, but she seems okay with it. She a mother, she knows everything about her child, and know that I will be okay in the end.

My mother laughs at my actions, and says to me, ‘You are so easy to get on thing like that, but please be careful with your plan. You do not what to end up like worse, be stuck with Bobby-Mike forever as his gift or me. Now stay force on your plan, and everything will be all right. I have faith in you, and I still love you forever. Your still my little angel girl, who now a young pretty angel woman. I have to go now, I will always be in your heart and mind. Do not forget who you are, and what Christmas is really,’ my mother slowly disappears right in front of me.

‘Good-bye mother. I will always love you,’ I say to my mother watching her disappear in front of me. I stood there in the lit area of white, and a smile came to my face. ‘I will not forget who I am mother and what Christmas is really. I will complete my plan to get Christmas back to this town,’ I looking around the white light area, and keep on smiling hugely on my face.

I was happy that I have to see my mother one last time.

I was the Christmas Angel, and I will carry out this plan for this town of ’Happy-villa’.

I will be Christmas back to this town for go.

Even if it will kill me doing it.

I hope that this plan will work.
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Well Sanna-Holly plan work to get Christmas back to the town or fail.

What about that dream she had? Seeing her Mother, who die, in that dream or what. WOW!

I know Christmas is over, but I can not get this story out of my head. This is the only way to finish this story.

Plus I have the UKrania Christmas coming up here soon, so this still counts. :P

Have fun reading.