The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

One December Night!

The new snow stared to fall from the sky; I stood in front of my window seeing the snow slowly falling from the night sky. I smile at it, knowing Christmas was a round the corner and I was running out of time to get the town back into Christmas spirit. I feeling that I need to dance outside; the last time I dance out in new snow was at the North Pole. I slowly walk away from the window, heading downstairs, going outside, and walking down to a field in my normal clothes.

I look up to see old man winter working around in the sky, seeing him blowing the snow around me, as my normal clothes slowly change into a knee length dress with small sleeves, and white slip on shoes. My hair hangs down around my head, and my necklace hangs around my necklace. I started to hum and sing a few Christmas songs, slowly starting to dance in the new falling snow, and enjoying my time alone in the December night. I spin and moving in the snow on the ground, I move my arms slowly, touching the snowflakes with my fingers, seeing every detail on each snowflake, and letting the flakes on the ground. I smile the whole time as I keep on dancing in the snow, and trying to remember all the time I dance in the snow at the North Pole.

I never saw or know Adam was watching me dancing in the snow in my dress from the trees. He never knows it was I; he could not keep his eyes off me. He was amazed at the way I move, sing the songs of Christmas, seeing the snow falling in my hair, and feeling his heart beating quickly in his chest. I spin around to see Adam standing in among the trees, looking at me with wide eyes, and I stop in my tracks. I was afraid that Adam might know who I am really, and I could be in trouble. Adam step from the trees, looking at me to say, “Hello.” He smile sweetly at me, and show we are not afraid of me.

I back up a bit from him, with my light blue eyes wide in shock, and trying to run but I could not move from my spot. I thought for a moment, slowly opening my mouth to speak, but I change my voice to echo a bit, “Hello.”

Adam walks closer to me, seeing how I was dress, smiling the whole time, and asking me, “Are you cold?” I shook my head slowly at him, keeping my eyes on him, as he stood in front of me. He touch the side of my face with the back of his right hand, smiling at me, and saying to me, “I want to know if your angel, and could you be the new Christmas Angel?”

I felt the warmth from his hand on my face, and speak to him, “What will you do if I answer that question? Are you going to do what you did to the last one? She has gone forever and there no turning back for her.” I felt the tears filling my eyes, and taking a step back from him.

I turn my back on him, wrapping my arms around myself, thinking about my mother, and feeling Adam giving me his coat. “Please don’t cry in front of me. I will not tell a soul about you at all, your secret is safe with me,” he spoke sweetly to me, wrap his arms around my body, and holding me close to his chest.

I heard his heart beating quickly in his chest, lowering my head to speak to him softly, “I am the new Christmas Angel, I came to this field to dance in the new snow, and singing some Christmas songs. I did not mean to bug your town; I remember everything that happens 20 years old with my mother, to this day I cannot get ride of that imagine of the death of my mother.” I let out a sigh, slowly pushing myself out of Adam arms, and stood there to keep on talking to him, “I will be leaving here soon, and I will not bug the town or you… Beside there very little Christmas Spirit left in this town. I remember this town so full of the spirit, which their star on the tree shins so bright. You can almost see it from North Pole and even in heaven too.”

Adam walking up to me, placing his right hand on my shoulder, and speaking to me, “I remember those times, I could not believe how long it stay lit too. I never stop believing in Christmas, I remember what happen one faithful night years ago, in a small town across the sea. That what I believe Christmas is to me, no about the toys, game, and stuff. To me a time to spend with good family and friends, to remember the one that was born on that faithful night, I believe Christmas is about the love, the one night a year that all the hurt, pain, and stuffing ends for once. You show the towns how much of the true Christmas spirit are in the towns, and I wish that this town can bring back Christmas for one day. I miss the star being shinning so bright, having fun with my friends, and helping other in need.”

I turn around to face Adam, taking off his coat, handing it back to him, and saying to him, “You can try to do that, but I don’t know if you by yourself, you need help on this one plan…. I wish I can stay but I must leave.” I turn around to walk away slowly, and trying not to look back at Adam.

Adam speaks up through the silent, “Please stay for a bit longer. I will like you to sing a few Christmas songs with me, and one dance in the snow?”

I stop in my tracks, thinking for a moment, turning around to say, “I will enjoy that, but answer my one question, How did you find me?”

Adam looks at me, and answers my question with a smile on his face, “I could not sleep, I decide to go for a walk in the forest, and I heard you sing the songs. I follow your sweet voice to this place, and saw you dancing in the snow. You move very gently, so soft on your feet, and your body movements is so eye-catching. Please don’t be mad at me, I was wondering that all and I found out the truth.”

I smile at Adam, looking at him to start a soft Christmas song, seeing him looking at me with a smile on his face. I move slowly closer to him, taking his hands in my hands, keep on sing the song, and hearing him joining in with the words. We started to dance around the field, as the snow still fall from the sky, and we keep on dancing as the snow blow around us. We never stop for a moment, I know Jack and Old Man Winter was watching Adam and me dancing around. Jack started to play his violin from the trees, slowly and softly to the words to the song, and Old Man Winter keep the snow going nicely in the sky. Adam and I eye met, our hearts beating quickly in our chest, and I could not believe I was falling in love with him. Adam smile at me sweetly, I smile back at him sweetly, and we keep on dancing slowly around the field. We stop sing, by Jack keep on playing his violin in the trees, and playing more then a few songs.

The sun slowly rose in the sky, Jack stop playing, taking off back to the North Pole. Old Man Winter stops his work, and disappears from the sky back home. I saw the sun rising through the trees, getting out of Adam arms, and saying to him in a panic voice, “I am sorry, but I must go. Good-bye for now, we will met again in good time.” I ran into the trees, disappearing from Adam sight. I left Adam standing there wondering who I was, and wondering if the town can save Christmas this year. He walks away back home, looking down at his hands, and feeling happy and sad that what he saw in the forest.

I ran all the way back to Joy place, my dress slowly changes back into my normal clothes, and I enter the back of the store. I saw Joy standing there looking at me, and asking me nicely, “Did you have a nice time out in the forest dancing and sing?”

I took off my coat, hanging it up on the hanger, looking at Joy to say, “Yes I did, but something happen out there.”

Joy sat down at the table, I sat down across from her, and Joy look at me to ask, “What happen out there?”

I look at her to say, “Adam saw me dancing and sing in my white clothes.”

Joy was in shock, and then asks me, “Did you say anything to him?”

“We talk, but I never told him my name. He knows that the Christmas Angel is alive, and he told me he wants to bring back to this town. The Christmas Spirit is still here, it is very small, but I hope nothing bad will happen. I will like to see this town bring back Christmas for good. Plus we dance a bit, and I am going to talk to Jack about he playing his violin for Adam and I,” I told Joy lowering my head, and trying to calm down.

Joy got up from her spot, walking to my side, and comforting me in her arms. “You have feels for Adam, and he does too toward you. Maybe you two are not may to be friends at all, but something greater.”

I look at Joy to say, “How? We are two different people, he human and I am an angel. I have no idea how that will work out for the both of us.” I fold my arms, setting them on the table, and setting my head in my arms. Are now I wanted was calm down from last night, and want happen between Adam and I.

How can I live with myself if my heart has falling for Adam?

Adam does have planed to bring back Christmas to the town on his own, and I hope it will work?

What about my plan to keep the Christmas Spirit alive in this too?

What will happen on for this little town?

Christmas was coming here very soon, I had people counting on me, and I had to believe I could do this for everyone I know and love.
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Yeah I started back up with this story, and now we back on track.

What will be a head now?

Will Adam find out that Sanna is really the Christmas Angel?

How will evertything be affect now?

Find out next time,