The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!


Every Sunday I have gone to the church in the town, seeing how low it is of people here and there. I ask the pastor of the church why the so low of people after one service on a Sunday, he told me, that the mayor does not want very much people going the church on the same day, because its losing workers at the jobs around town. In addition, there was nothing very much bring the people into the church. I look at him told him maybe I should try to sing in front of the church on a few Sundays and see what could happen. He agrees with me with the sing, and tries me out on Sunday.

One early December Sunday came; I stood in front of the church, and started to sing a few songs that I pick out from a songbook, that the pastor gave me to look through to see what I will like to sing. I let my sweet singing voice go, letting carry outside the church walls to the streets of the town, and catching the ears of the people that was slowly losing their faith. I slowly watch the people that I never seen in church before slowly coming in to listen to the songs, and the words of the Lord. I was please every Sunday to see the old face and new face coming into the church, and seeing them regaining their faith again. I sat down in my seat in the third roll with Adam and a few of his friends, and we enjoy listening to the pastor talk.

It December 12th, I heard a sweet young teenage girl voice coming from church that Sunday. The new music team was playing as I sing the songs, Adam play his guitar, one friend on piano, and the other on drums. I keep hearing her voice coming from the chairs, and could see her standing in the very back of the church. She was only 16 years old, a young girl, and she was very friendly person. We finish the last song for the services, everyone was getting ready to leave, and I look over at Adam to say, “I will be right back.” I walk off the stage, heading to be this teen girl was sitting, and catching her before she left the church. “Hello, you must be new here in the church? I am Sanna, what your name?” I ask her nicely holding out my hand to her.

She looks at me, I could see she was scare a bit of me, and spoke to me in a shaky voice, “My name is Erin, and yes I am new to the church. You sing very nice, and I enjoy hearing your voice.”

I look at Erin to say, “I am not the only one in this church that has a nice sing voice.”

Erin looks at me with a raise eyebrow, and asks me nicely, “Who is the other one?”

I look at her to say, “You, Erin, have a very nice sing voice. I will like to see if you like to sing in front of the church next Sunday.”

Erin looks at me with wide eyes, shaking her hands in front of her body, and saying to me, “No, please no, I am not ready for that.”

I look at her, placing my right around her shoulders, and saying to her, “How about you could up with me, and I will help you get over your fear. Even if you come up for one song, and we can see what will happen.”

Erin look down at the ground for a moment, then softly say to me, “I will try, if you’re beside me to help. Plus I have no idea what I sound like.”

“Why do come over to Joy place, and I can help you with your singing,” I say to Erin nicely, and had a smile on my face.

Erin thought for a moment, then say to me nicely, “I will do it.”

“That great Erin, I will see you on Wednesday night at Joy place to see how you will sing. I bet you are great, and do not worry about me judging you on how you sound around me. I don’t judge people at all, it’s not me,” I told Erin with a smile on my face, and looking at her in the eyes.

“Okay then, I will see if it is okay by mother first, and we will see on Wednesday then,” Erin told me giving me a hug.

“Here my cell number to call me, if your mother has any problems with this at all. Just have her calls me, and I will explain to her nicely, okay,” I told Erin handing her my cell phone number.

“Okay then, see you later Sanna,” Erin told me heading out of the church with a huge smile on her face.

“You doing something for her,” Adam told me coming up behind me.

“Yeah, I know I am nice person, and it will be nice to have a new voice in the church. I am not staying very long after the party your uncle is holding,” I told Adam turning around to face him.

“I know, but you want you like to home for… you know,” Adam says to me giving me a hug.

“Thanks Adam for understanding me,” I say to him hugging him, pulling away a bit, and heading to the front door with my coat in my arms. I put my coat on, my muffins on my hands, and left the church with Joy beside me. I told Joy about Erin, how well Erin sings and how I want her to sing in front of the church next Sunday. Joy agree with me, and okay me to have Erin over on Wednesday at the shop.

Wednesday came quickly; I was working on a few pieces for the mayor family costumes up front. When I heard the bells going off that someone have entered the shop, I look up to see Erin coming into the shop, seeing how nervous she was right now. I place the stuff down on the table behind the countertop, walking up to Erin to greet her, “Hello Erin, nice to see you again.”

She looks at me to greet me nicely, “Hello Savanna, nice to see you again too.”

I took her right hand, looking at her to say, “You don’t have to be nervous, it’s just me. How was head upstairs to my bedroom and we can sing up there. I will tell Joy, you’re here and we can go from there.” I let go of her hand, heading to the backroom with Erin behind me, and seeing Joy working on the other pieces of the costumes. “Joy, Erin here. Will it be okay if I take her upstairs to my room to sing?”

Joy look at Erin and me to say, “Yes you can, and I will bring up some snacks in a bit.”

“Thank-you Joy,” I say to Joy, heading upstairs with Erin behind me, and arrive into my room. “Let me take your coat Erin,” I say to Erin taking Erin coat from her arms, and setting it on the chair in front of my dresser.

Erin looks at my room with wide eyes, and saying to me, “Savanna, your room is so nice, and cool too.”

“Thanks Erin, Joy did this for me, to make me feel more at home,” I told Erin getting the music ready.

“You must live very far away from here?” Erin asks me looking over a few things from the North Pole.

“Believe me Erin, where I live no one will every believe me. It very far away from here, and I came here to see Joy. I heard about a few things going on around here, and I came here to see it for myself,” I say to Erin looking at her with a smile on her face.

“What you live at the North Pole?” Erin joke with me, and smiling at me.

I laugh a bit at what she told me, and say nicely back at her, “Lets say I live close to the Pole, and that all I am going to tell you.” I walk up to her, looking at her in the face, and saying to her nicely, “Okay let’s start with a simple song, and you join in when you feel like. Don’t worry I will not judge you on you sound.” I start singing a simple song I know from my childhood, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I listen to Erin joining in later on, and she sound so beautiful with the words. I stop at the song, looking at her to say in a pleasing voice, “Erin, you sing great. All you need to do is calm down that all and you do not have been so nervous around me. I am a friend to you; if you need anything that you will need, just ask me.”

“Thanks Sanna, what now?” Erin asks me with a huge smile on her face.

“How about a Christmas song I know,” I ask her placing a CD in the player.

“I heard about them from my mother, but I never heard any of them. After what happen 20 years ago, I never have a Christmas at all. I wish I could have a Christmas at lest ones, but playing that type of music is wrong in this town. I will love to hear a few of those songs for once,” Erin told me looking down with a sad look on her face.

I place my right hand on her shoulder, and saying to her, “We can play them, and I will love to hear you sing one of the songs too.” Erin nodded her head to me, play the Christmas songs, starting to sing along with a few, and Erin join in when she was ready to sing. We enjoy the time together singsongs, getting to know each other, and hanging out together. Until it was time for Erin to go home, she gave a hug, and we talk about see each other on Sunday. I know Erin will be okay, she needs someone to help her get over her nervous.

Sunday December 19, came around quickly. The church was slowly filling with old and new people, and I was happy to see that so much. I was getting ready to sing in front of the church, look at Erin to whisper, “Are you ready for this?”

Erin looks at me to whisper to me, “No, I am so nervous to sing in front of everyone.”

“Don’t worry, I am here with you, and don’t be nervous. Just calm down, and enjoy just like being in my room at Joy place,” I whisper to Erin, taking her hand, and helping her up to stage. Adam and her friends started to play the music, I started to sing the worship song, and Erin slowly joins in quietly. Slowly by the end of the second song, she slowly gets into the flow of the song and the rest of the songs Erin song beautiful to all the songs. I slowly back off a bit; just let her sing on her on her own, and the people of the church was very happy to hear her voice. By the end of the service and the last song, everyone was coming up to Erin to say how great she sound and I stood off to the side watching everyone talking to Erin.

I was leaving the church; I overheard some people talking about making a fund for the church to fix it up in the spring. This fund the mayor will not find out and Adam promise not to tell the mayor at all. I was happy to hear that in the spring to see the church get fix up. The pastor came up to me, and talk to me, “Sanna, you have done so much in this church. Your sing brought people that was losing their faith back in, and you gave a young teenage girl a chance to share her voice. I will like to thank-you for everything you have done, if you need anything from this church just ask.”

I look at him to say, “I will like to see a Christmas Service on December 24 and 25. If the mayor does not like it, it not really Christmas, if you celebrating a birthday.”

The pastors eyes grow big, he nearly forgot about the real realize church have those services in December, and say to me, “Your right Sanna, and thank-you so much. I will do that, and if the mayor has any problem about that. Your right about it not being that type of Christmas.”

“No problem, I will see you around the town,” I say to him leaving the church, back to Joy place.

That night I sat down on the window sitting, watching the new snow falling to the ground, and seeing Jake Frost flying around the sky. I smile at Jake, seeing him frosting up the windows, and seeing him frosting up my window. I look at him as the frost stick to the window, Jake smile at me, and tip on the window for me to open it. I open the window, looking at Jake to say, “Hey Jake, what’s up?”

Jake look at me to ask, “How is everything going?”

“It going good, the regaining their faith is okay, but I going to have a hard time getting the Spirit of Christmas back to this town. Jake, I am going to fail at this plan, and I never fail at plan in my life,” I told Jake lending against the wall, and looking at Jake.

“You will never fail at it, your plans always work in the end, and I have faith you will make it. Come Sanna-Holly, I never seen you this down, are you getting homesick?” Jake asks me sitting down on the window ledge, and looking at me.

I look at him to say, “A bit homesick, but I know I can make it. Oh by the way, I should hit you for playing your violin last week, when Adam and I was dancing. What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking you two as a cute couple,” Jake told me with a smile on his face.

I look at Jake to say, “Jake, Adam a human and I am angel. We will never be together at all, and play does not push it more. I cannot have him find out I am angel at all, and you need to go here soon before someone see you. I will see you at the North Pole in last then a week, give Santa and his wife a hug for me, and an update too.”

Jake push away from the window ledge, looking at me to say, “I will say my goodbye for now, and see you later on. Remember I always been your big brother in your heart,” Jake took off flying away, and frosting up things.

I watch him a bit with a smile on my face, and whispering, “Jake Frost, you always been my big brother, and I am your little sister.” I slip back into the room, closing the window, and heading back to bed.

All night I dream that my plan with work and the seeing in my dreams that town lit up with many lights. Everyone fully of the Christmas spirit, having fun together as friends, and enjoy the season together as friends and family. The tree in the middle on the square fully decorated and lit up, and the star on top of the tree shine so bright. I smile seeing the star fully lit, and knowing this maybe was a dream, but I know in the end this could be real. Christmas will come back after a 20 year wait to the town of ‘Happy-villa.’
♠ ♠ ♠
The town regraining their faith, and a new voice sing in the church.

Will Sann-Holly make it in time to bring back the Christmas Spirit or fail at it?

Find out in the next few parts.