The Town without Christmas! A Christmas Angel Story!

First Love on a Winter Night!

December 20, I was working in the store up front setting up a few things. When the door opens, I look over to see who was coming in, seeing Adam walking into the shop. “Hello, how are we today?” I ask him nicely with a smile on my face.”

“I am doing good, and how about you?” Adam asks me walking up to me with a smile on his face.

“I am doing well,” I say to him setting a few things on the shelves, taking the empty box in my hands, and heading to the back room.

Adam stop me before I could get to the door, and ask me with a bit of nervous voice, “Sanna, I was wondering what are doing tonight?”

I stop in my tracks in front of the backroom door, turning around to see Adam standing by the front countertop, and saying to him nicely, “I am not doing anything tonight, may I ask why?”

Adam stumble over his tongue a bit, then ask me nicely, “I was wondering if you like to go out with me tonight?”

My eyes widen to what Adam asks me out, and I ask him back trying not to stumble over my tongue, “Are you asking me on a date?”

“Kind of yes I am, are you thinking of coming along?” Adam ask me nicely again, and smiling at me.

I look at him to thinking for a moment, and saying to him nicely, “I will like to coming along with you. What are you thinking of doing?”

Adam lend against the countertop, looking at me to say, “I am thinking of skating at the big pond in the park tonight.”

I look at Adam to say, “I will ready by then. What time are you thinking?”

Adam think for a moment, then look at me to say, “I will pick you up at 7 o’clock tonight, and don’t forget your skates.”

“I will not forget my skates, and see you at 7 tonight then,” I told Adam with a smile on my face, heading to the backroom, and talking to Joy about going out on a date with Adam that night. Joy was happy that I was going out for a night without any worries at all.

Seven o’clock rolled around, I was getting ready to go on my date with Adam, I grab my skates from the back door, look at Joy to say, “Here I go now, wish me luck.”

“Good luck Sanna, and don’t be too late,” Joy told me, as we heard Adam knocking at the back door.

“Thanks Joy,” I say to her, answering the door to see Adam standing there holding his skates in his hands, and I greeted him with a smile on my face, “Hello Adam, I am ready to go.”

Adam look at me with a smile on his face, and saying to me, “Hello Savanna, it’s very nice to see you tonight. I cannot wait to go to skating with you at the pond. Do not worry Joy about her; I will have her back before her bedtime and in one piece too. See you later Joy.” Adam look at Joy before I left the house with my skates in my hands.

Adam and I walk down to pond to see a few people skating on the ice with the lights shinning down on the ice. We walk to the edge of the ice, sitting down on the bench; I took off boots, and putting on my skates. I stood up on the ice, Adam stood beside me, and we started skating around the ice. We heard the music being play by the stereo system around the pond, and Adam skating around me with a smile on his face. I smile at him, and laughing a bit too. He gave my right hand, pulling me around the ice, and I skated along the side Adam with my hand in his hands. We look at each other in the eyes, Adam stop with me beside him, he spins me around to face him, and he wraps his arms around my waist. We heard a slow song coming over the speakers, Adam look down at me to ask, “Do you want to dance?”

I look up at him, right into his deep blue eyes, and saying to him in a nervous voice, “Okay.”

Adam looks into my light blue eyes to say, “That nice.” Adam keep his arms around my waist, I place my hands up on his shoulders, and trying hard not to blush, but my cheeks when a bright red.

I realize that I was blushing; I look down quickly so Adam does not have to see my red cheeks, and keep on dancing slowly with Adam on our skates. ‘I cannot believe Adam and I are dancing… together on skates,’ I think to myself as I keep my head down.

Adam look down at me, to see my head was down, and saying to me, “Sanna are you nervous to face me, are you blushing?” I nodded my head to him, and hearing him to saying to me, “You don’t have to be that nervous again me, and I don’t might you blushing too. I think it is cute for a girl to blush over a boy, it show him that she care about him.”

I look up at Adam, seeing he was blushing too, and saying to him nicely, “Thanks Adam for those words, and may I say you’re blushing too.” I smile at him, giggling a bit at the end, and keep on dancing with Adam on the ice, as the slow songs keep on the ice.

Adam looks down in my eyes, and then whisper to me, “Sanna-Lynn, I am thinking I am falling for you…. My heart never felt so warm with this feeling for you…. I know you are not ready for these words, but this is the prefect time to say them to you…. Sanna-Lynn, I love with all my heart.”

I look up into his eyes, feeling my heart beating quickly in my chest, just looking into those eyes, and speaking to Adam, “Adam, I have no idea what to say now… My heart is beating quickly in my chest ever time I look into your eyes… Adam, I am falling for you, but I have no idea how to say those three magical words?”

Adam look down at me, placing his forehead on my forehead, and whisper to me sweetly, “Just let those words come to you, from your heart. Its okay if you’re not ready to tell me, whenever you’re ready, take your time finding the right time to tell me.” I look into his eyes, slowly moving my mouth, trying to get the words out, but I was stumbling over my tongue. Adam just keeps his arms around me, forehead on top my forehead and we keep on slowly dancing on the ice. I could not say those three sweet words to Adam. Adam and I stop dancing, Adam lift his forehead off my forehead, and we both blushing at each other. Our faces lend closer together, closing other eyes, our lips slowly move toward each other, and we were about to kiss each other.

“Well isn’t it Sanna and my sweet cousin Adam. What bring you two here to the park?” a familiar male voice came from beside us.

We stop moving, quickly pulling back, and looking away from each other’s. We both look to the side to see Bobby-Mike standing there on the ice in his skates. Adam look at him to say, “Hey cousin, nice meeting you here?” Running his hands through his hair, trying to keep himself calm around his cousin, and looks at Bobby-Mike standing there.

“I can to skate at the pond, let most people in this town,” Bobby-Mike told Adam looking over his cousin, and looking at me. “Sanna-Lynn why don’t you ditch this guy and come with me for a real date,” he told me, flitting with me, moving a bit closer toward me and getting between Adam and me.

I look at Bobby-Mike to say nicely to him, “Sorry I am not looking for a guy in my life. I am leaving here in a few days, proudly early morning after the party. I cannot do long term dating, and I do not know when I will get a chance to come back here. My job is busy around this time of year. I was luck my father let me come here this year. Sorry guys, but I am not right for that kind of stuff.”

Bobby-Mike look at Adam and I, and saying to me, “It seem you were getting a bit too close for comfort, and it almost you two were about to kiss each other. Come Sanna, ditch my cousin, and come with me. I will give you whatever you like in your heart.”

I thought on what Bobby-Mike told me, then telling him, “What my heart wants to see is this town to have Christmas again… but that will never happen at all.” I stood there looking at Bobby-Mike, and shook my head slowly at him. “Forget about it, the Christmas Spirit is lost forever here.” I look at Adam to say, “Thanks for the fun time skating, I am heading back to Joy place. You don’t have to walk me back; I will be fine on my own.” I skated away to overheard Adam telling to his cousin that he ruin his time with me, and will never forgive him for what he did to him. I took off my skates, putting on my boots, and grabbing my skates in my hands. I stood up from the bench, taking a few steps away from the pond, looking over my shoulder to see Adam looking at me with a sad look on his face, and I turn to walk away back to Joy place.

I keep on walking through the snow cover streets, thinking about everything that happens down at the pond. How one wonderful moment turn so bad quickly, and I wish that bad moment never happened at all. It may me realize that Christmas will never come back to this town at all, and it will not matter now. The party with in three days Christmas was in five days, and I have to back at the North Pole very soon. I walk back to Joy place with my skates over my shoulder, hands in my coat pocket and my head lower. “I know there still hope, but there no time to get everything ready for Christmas. I could not do it at all. This was the last time to bring Christmas back to this town, and now I have ran out of time,” I say to myself as I walk all away back with a smile look on my face, I could not tell Adam the truth that I was falling in love with him, and I could not even kiss him too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is there love between Adam and Sanna?

How could Bobby-Mike do that to them?

Is still time to save Christmas for the town or not?

Find out next time.