Status: Ongoing!

I'm So Sorry

A Drink a Day Keeps Everyone Crazy

Kevin: DAMNIT!
Robin: You suck Nati.
Kevin: Stupid K.O. stereotype.
Robin: Is she actually dead?
Kevin: Who cares? We lost!

Brocken: Haha!
Terryman: Damnit if I had my leg I'd kick your ass for that!
Brocken: But you don't so ha! ...And no, I'm pretty sure she's still alive.
Buffaloman: You both owe me 10 bucks!

Kevin: We never legally agreed on the bet so therefore we don't owe you shit. Besides I doubt you'd want anything from my dad at this point; you don't know where his stuff's been.
Robin: Terry knows.
Kevin: *snorts*
Robin: Boogers!

Buffaloman: ...You realize I'm only letting this go because your right about not wanting anything from Robin.
Brocken: (chugs a beer)
Buffaloman: Hey wait don't do that! You were an alcoholic!
Brocken: (just chugs another and throws his jacket off)
Buffaloman: This is going nowhere good!

Robin: Mine!(attacks Brocken)
Kevin: I'm gonna say dad wins this fight; only 'cause he's more drunk and stupid.
Robin: My booze!

Buffaloman: He's also like 10 years older than Brocken...But Brocken IS a scrawny little shit for a wrestler...Nope, I'm with you.
Brocken: RAAAAH! (breaks Robin's leg)

Robin: Haha that feels funny!
Kevin: Who are you? Checkmate?
Robin: Now I can be a real pirate!(starts using Terryman's leg)I needs a sword!(steals knife form Buffalman)Avast me hardy! To Davey Jones locker with ye!(stabs Brocken in the eye)
Kevin: Ya he's winning.

Brocken: AHHHHHHH!! (starts screaming in German)
Buffaloman: ...If Jaeger were awake, he could tell us what the hell Brocken's screaming. As it is... (pulls Brocken away from Robin) Might as well keep Brocken from being blinded in both eyes.

Robin: I cannot understand ye crazy accent matey! But I swear by the great Blackbeard ye shall pay for what ye did to me wench.
Kevin: I don't think we want to know what Brocken is screaming.
Robin: Yarr harr!

Brocken: MEIN EYE!
Buffaloman: Yeah I guess. (tears one sleeve off of Brocken's shirt and bandages Brocken's face with it)
Brocken: Mein eye!
Buffaloman: Hey he quieted down...Here, have some of MY alcohol if it shuts you up. (gives Brocken his booze) Now he's not really taking it from Robin.
Brocken: Yay alcohol! (chugs it all)

Kevin: Great two idiot drunks in the same room...this should get interesting...
Robin: I'll be Captain Morgan! That's booze and a pirate all in one!
Kevin: Good for you dad...

Brocken: Ahahahaha! (throws off his shirt)
Buffaloman: You know, I'm sort of regretting my decision to give him the booze, but I wanted to make him shut up about the eye...(jumps out of the way of Brocken's belt) Definitely regretting it!! Man, when the unconscious people come to they're gonna be like 'What the hell?!'
Terryman: I'm like that now! What the hell?!

Kevin: Stop him before he gets fully naked!
Robin: Oh my god Brocken! Let's Pants-Off Dance-Off together!
Kevin: NO!

Buffaloman: Come here Brocken! (goes towards Brocken but gets hit in the face with Brocken's pants)
Brocken: Nein! Nein!
Buffaloman: ...I just got hit in the face with a German guy's pants...(his eye twitches)
Brocken: (sits down and pulls off his boots and socks) Ahahaha, ja ja!
Terryman: He's only got the hat and his underwear...Kevin stop him!

Kevin: No more!(jumps Brocken and ties him up with his own clothes)There we go.
Robin: Awe! You cheater!
Kevin: Anyone who walks in here right now is going to be very weirded out...
Robin: Why?
Kevin: Oh I forgot this is just another day for you.

Brocken: Nein, nein! ...MEIN EYE, MEIN EYE MEIN EYE!!
Buffaloman: Damnit that's annoying! Let's just untie him and put up with the consequences!
Terryman: No!
Buffaloman: But the 'mein eye' thing is so ANNOYING!!
Brocken: (gets louder) MEIN EYE!!!
Buffaloman: Ugh! That's it, I'm untying him!

Kevin:Oh no you're not! This room is fucked up as it is!(tackles Buffaloman)Daddy help!
Robin: .....That's not my name.....
Kevin: Urgh! Fine! Captain Morgan fucking help me!
Robin: Why?
Kevin: Ummm....because....because-it's Buffalo Wings!
Robin:Yummy!(tackles Buffaloman)

Brocken: MEIN EYE!!!! MEIN EYE!!!! MEIN EYE!!!!
Buffaloman: RAAAHHHHHH!! (throws Robin and Kevin off him and he unties Brocken)
Brocken: Yay! (pulls off his underwear) Ahahahaha!
Buffaloman: ...Yep, I'm off to vomit. (goes to the bathroom)

Kevin: You have no one to blame but yourself!
Robin: Brocken come play with me!
Kevin: ...Well that sounded wrong.
Robin: ^_^

Brocken: Ja!
Jaeger: (wakes up) Vha...AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Brocken: Hahahaha, Jaeger join us!
Jaeger: N-N-No vay! No vay, no vay, no vay!!

Robin: Dance with me Brocken!(starts dancing with Brocken)
Kevin: OoO Oh god why!!!!????
Robin: Join us Jaeger! You too Sparkle!(grabs Jaeger and Meat and starts making them dance)
Kevin:It burns!

Brocken: Hahahaha!
Jaeger: (passes out)
Meat: Bleh...
Terry: (wakes up) Wha...OH GOD!
Buffaloman: (comes back from the bathroom) That seeems to be the general reaction.

Kevin: I have never been more freaked out than I am right now...
Robin: Friendship!
Kevin: I wish mom and Natsuko would wake up and kill you both...
Robin: Shut up Bilvintty we're having a Pants-Off Dance-Off!
Kevin: Or kill me...ether way I'm outta here.

Terry: ...I'm afraid to ask...Kevin, what did I miss?! Wait...Where's the knife?
Buffaloman: Oh...Well shit, that got lost during Natsuko and Brocken's fight...Damnit someone could step on that.
Wally: This is so disturbing!

Kevin: No remember Dad took it for a sword-Wait that might be worse.
Robin: Oooo shiny. Look at it witch!(throws knife which ends up stabbing Wally in the leg)
Kevin: Shit.
Alisha:(waking up) Whats going on everybod-why is Brocken naked?

Buffaloman: Oh right...
Wally: OW!!
Brocken: Burn the vitch! Burn the vitch!
Wally: Eep!
Buffaloman: Brocken's naked because Robin stabbed him in the eye so he started screaming and I gave him my booze to shut him up so he got drunk and started stripping, so Kevin tied him up in his own clothes then he started screaming "mein eye!" again which was driving me CRAZY, so I untied him and then he got naked. There you go.

Alisha: Why wouldn't you just gag him? I mean you can tie him up so...
Kevin: Great job Buffalo Wings, you're an idiot.
Robin: Burn the witch!(takes out a torch)
Alisha: Still getting random stuff from out of thin air I see.

Buffaloman: (smacks himself in the forehead) Crap! I didn't consider that! Well, too late now.
Wally: Don't burn the witch! Don't burn the witch!
Brocken: (falls on his ass and starts laughing)
Buffaloman: Well luckily that's all he seems to do when he's drunk.

Kevin: Ya naked, laughing, drunk guy....awesome....
Alisha: Well considering what could have happened...(looks at Robin)
Kevin: Well that's true.
Robin: Burn the witch!(lights the torch)

Brocken: (stops laughing) Aha..ha...
Buffaloman: Well that was anti-climatic.
Terryman: That's a good thing.
Terry: It'd be better if he had his pants on..

Alisha: Well you can blame Buffalo Wings for that.
Kevin: Wonder what he'll do next...I hope it's not something dad would do.
Robin: Ahhh!(throws torch at Wally as well as a can of gasoline) Bullseye!(Wally erupts in flame)
Kevin and Alisha: OoO AHHHHHH!!!!!

Terry: For once somethin's not my fault!
Terryman: Well that's surprising...
Brocken: (takes a shit on the floor)
Buffaloman: Aw, disgusting!!

Alisha: Well atleast we've officially found someone worse than Robin.
Kevin: That's just gross. Oh my god it smells!!!
Robin: Burn baby burn-hey look chocolate!
Kevin: No!(tackles Robin)

Buffaloman: I didn't think it was possible to find someone worse than Robin!
Jaeger: (covers his mouth with his hands like he's gonna throw up) So gross...
Terryman: That's it, the world will explode before Brocken ever gets more alcohol!
Buffaloman: Agreed!
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp...that's grodie...