Status: Ongoing!

I'm So Sorry

Baby Mama Drama

Robin: I wants some!(naws on Dik Dik's leg)
Kevin: (looks up at the sky)Please just kill me now!
Doctor: Fix your problems!
Kevin: We've reverted to cannabilism! You're so getting arrest!
Doctor: You can't arrest a dead guy.
Kevin: Watch me bitch.

Dik Dik: (wakes up) WHAT THE FUCK?!
Buffaloman: Shut up, can't you see we're eating you?
Buffaloman: Hmph. I haven't eaten someone in 30 years, I forgot how much fun it was!
Terryman: ...Right. I forgot about that.

Kevin: (stabs Terry with his helmet)Why can't you eat him instead!?
Robin: This thing needs some BBQ sauce.
Alisha: (growls)

Buffaloman: I WOULD eat him, but I don't completely know where he's been.
Terry: Ow...I still ain't lettin' go.
Trixie: (walks by and gives Terry the finger) The baby isn't yours, absolutely sure.
Terry: (lets go of Kevin's leg) Oh thank god...Wait then whose is it?
Trixie: Kevin's.
Terry: ...Say whaaaaat?

Kevin: Huh?
Robin: (with pieces of Dik Dik's leg in his mouth)Wha'?
Alisha: That is messed up.

Trixie: I'll say it slowly this time so you guys can understand: The...Baby...Is...Kevin's!
Terry: ...How?!
Terryman: Well when two peo—
Buffaloman: Wait, I think I remember this!
Natsuko: You remember them...?!
Buffaloman: Not that part! It was during a party right after a tournament that Kevin won and everyone was just celebrating and shit and just about everyone either got wasted or high off the weed Robin was handing out!

Alisha:Of course Terry would know that part.
Kevin:I don't drink or do drugs! They're liars!
Robin:Yea I would never give away booze! Or my weed! That shit takes a long time to grow.

Buffaloman: For once, Robin isn't the only one with proof...I 'borrowed' Ramenman's camera in case he did anything stupid, and got a lot more than I was looking for.
Terryman: You of all people have a tape?!
Buffaloman: Yes I have a tape!
Terry: I just wanna see this!!

Kevin: I didn't do shit!
Robin: My booze!
Kevin: I'm so glad that that's all you're worried about!
Robin: Wrong! My weed too.

Buffaloman: Okay, time to play the tape!
Terryman: There's nothing to play the tape with out here...? (a TV and DVR gets thrown down from the roof) ...Spoke too soon...
Buffaloman: (starts the tape)

Buffaloman: So I stole Ramenman's camera just to catch him doing stupid shit...Let's see...Oh there he is yelling at a wall! What's everyone else doing...There's Terryman, he looks high. Where's he taking Te--Nope, don't wanna know! Jaeger's making carpet angels...I don't see Brocken and I don't care. Oh wait there he is with a joint..Where are people getting the drugs? Oh, Robin, okay it makes sense now...Wally's chowing down on a fish, nothing unusual about that...Dik Dik hugging a tree...Natsuko and Alisha making ou--Wait what?! Moving on...Kevin and Trixie all over each other, weird. Must be drugs or the alcohol or some shit like that...

Kevin: Well fuck.
Robin: You guys totally stole that weed.
Alisha: O_O I am never drinking again.
Doctor: You're welcome!
Kevin: When I get out of here I'm so going Mona the Vampire all over your ass

Terry: Aha! You cheated too!
Dik Dik: Well he hasn't slept with nearly as many people as you have, but you seem to be right.
Terry: Don't bring me down!!
Natsuko: No...More...Alcohol...o_o

Kevin: Exactly, so I still don't forgive you and never will.
Robin: Weed stealers!
Alisha: Awe well, back to crazy.(curls back up into the fetal position and starts shaking)
Kevin: You're still a jackass and can go straight to the Seven Circles of Hell.

Terry: Oh come on! At least I didn't knock Trixie up!
Trixie: That's because you're not man enough to be able to do it.
Terry: Can't SOMEONE give me a break?!
Checkmate: *_*
Terry: Uhh...Someone OTHER than Checkmate?!
Buffaloman: You're asking for too much... (fast-forwards the video until Geronimo crashes into the wall and his head and shoulders get stuck) Ahaha, that was fun!

Robin: Now I want popcorn.
Kevin: I'm too young to have a kid!
Robin: Well you're sure as hell not naming it Robin.
Kevin: Why!?
Robin: Duh! It's yours! It probably has cooties or something.

Terry: This is why I'm glad it's not mine!
Terryman: You're just glad because if it was yours, you wouldn't be able to sleep around anymore.
Terry: I don't wanna sleep around!
Natsuko: Yeah right.

Kevin: It's been proven that you do.
Robin: I even have more proof!
Kevin: See?I'm right. Also I'm still naming it Robin.
Robin: You do and I'll take away your X-box
Kevin: You already-(thinks for second)-oh well sucks to be me.

Terry: I know I do, but I don't WANT to!
Buffaloman: No one needs more proof Robin shut up!!
Trixie: Hey I have to give birth to the kid, don't I get a say in what its named?! I don't wanna name it Robin!!

Kevin: Too freaking bad!
Robin: I win! We can name it Sparkle 2!
Kevin: Hell. Freaking. No.
Robin: Yep. ^_^

Trixie: It's not being named Robin OR Sparkle 2!
Buffaloman: What's your 'great' idea for a name then?
Trixie: ...Terry!
Terry: (bursts out laughing)
Dik Dik: That's stupid. Why would you want to name your kid Terry?
Trixie: Because Terry's my favourite wrestler.
Buffaloman: Wow, your head must be softer than a marshmallow.

Alisha: (starts cackling)
Kevin: But Terry sucks! Even Dik Dik thinks it's stupid!
Robin: Your girlfriends a dumbass.
Kevin: She's not my girlfriend and we're not naming it Terry; I'd rather name it Sparkle 2...
Robin: That's two against one!
Kevin: It's name is Robin damnit!

Trixie: Its name is going to be Terry!
Dik Dik: But Terry is dumb.
Trixie: I don't care, its name is going to be Terry and that's that.
Terry: (laughing so hard he's crying)

Kevin: You are not naming it Terry, it's my kid too damnit and it's name is Robin! You don't know whats its like to be in my family and not be named Robin!
Robin: It sucks.
Kevin: They laugh at you, point at you, you're not allowed to happy, grandpa hits you with his cane-
Robin: That'll be me.
Kevin: It's awful!

Trixie: Well you could name it Robin if you were giving birth to it, but your not! Its name is going to be Terry!
Buffaloman: Both of those names are terrible.
Trixie: Shut up!!

Robin: How dare you!(stabs Buffaloman in the lung with a now sharpened stick)Die you son of a bitch!
Alisha: Never insult the name Robin *_*(stabs with one of Wally's tusks)
Kevin: Rawr!(starts beating with his helmet)

Buffaloman: Fuck! Okay, okay I'm sorry it's not a terrible name! Agh!!
Trixie: The kid is still going to be named Terry.
Natsuko: ...Just wow.

Robin: (stops stabbing)Next die.
Alisha: (leaves Wally's tusk stuck in his back)Stupid.(goes back to shaking)
Kevin: It's going to be Robin whether you like it or not.
Robin: It's Sparkle 2 damnit!

Buffaloman: Ugh...
Trixie: I'm telling you it's going to be named Terry! We're not discussing this!
Dik Dik: I still say you're dumbass.
Terry: (finally stops laughing) Agh...ha...It...ha...hurts...

Kevin: (yanks tusk out of Buffaloman's back)Shut up Slutty.(smacks in head with tusk)
Robin: You're an idiot and that's coming from me.
Kevin: And that's just sad, so therefore it's name is Robin.
Robin: Please don't marry her! Her names not even Robin!
Kevin: Not everyone in our family's name is Robin.
Alisha: Yes it is...well except for you. My family just changed our names to make you feel better.
Kevin: O_O So everyone on your side is named Robin too!?
Alisha: You bet'cha.
Kevin: SEE!? Now we have to name it Robin!

Trixie: It's name isn't going to be Robin! It's going to be Terry! If he could've done it right, the baby would've been Terry's but of course nooo...Either way the name is going to be Terry!!
Buffaloman: Oh just name it Robin and shut up!
Trixie: No!

Kevin: Well then Terry's gonna have to adopt it then because if you don't name it Robin I refuse to have it as my kid!
Robin: I give up, let's name it Robin, if only 'cause I feel bad for it having a dumby for a mother.
Kevin: You don't want it to be named Terry! He's a whore!

Trixie: Its name is going to be Terry!
Dik Dik: Wait wait, can't you just give it a middle name?! Name it Robin then give it Terry as a middle name if you still want that name when its born?!
Trixie: ...Didn't think of that.
Dik Dik: Of course you didn't.
Trixie: If I were in there I'd beat the shit of you!!

Robin: I don't want it named Terry at all!!!!
Kevin: Me nether but atleast it's Robin in some way. However the Terry part will always remind me of what he did and might lead to child abuse later...
Alisha: Hehehe, if you open the cage, hehe, you can come in and get him.*_*
Kevin: Mom quit being creepy.

Terry: Come on! Most of it was unwanted!! I'm sorry!!
Trixie: Fine, it'll be Robin...Ugh.
Kid: I'm still confused about why Kevin's mad at Terry...
Dik Dik: What's there to be confused ABOUT?!?!
Kid: Well most if not all of it doesn't matter to Terry, so why should it matter at all? Actually it seemed like most of it woulda happened whether Terry wanted it to or not, so he didn't seem to have a lot of choice. And he still seems to care most about Kevin, so shouldn't that be what matters?
Buffaloman: You know, every once in a while, you say something kinda smart.
Dik Dik: ...Let's ignore it completely and hope it goes away, because nothing makes sense when you make a good point. So...Ignored!

Kevin: Kid unless you're getting u out of here shut the hell up.
Robin: Ignore!
Kevin: I win!
Robin: I'm gonna be a grandpa and not to a baby adopted by a slut!
Alisha: Ya instead you get a real one by an idiot.
Robin: Yay!

Terryman: He made a good point...
Natsuko: You're supposed to IGNORE him.
Terryman: Oh yeah.
Kid: Uh Kevin haven't you considered the possibility that your issues with Terry might help get you out of here faster if you resolve them?
Dik Dik: IGNORE!! ...Besides it wouldn't get him out.
Kid: I said it would HELP get him out FASTER, not that it would get him out instantaneously!
Buffaloman: IGNORE x 1000000!!!!
Terry: Seriously, when did he get smart? o_o
♠ ♠ ♠
Kid Muscle! Smart! Let the world burn!