Status: Just begining

Stay A Little Longer

Little Girl, You're So Alone

I starred at my reflection in the mirror in the school bathroom. I knew today wasn’t going to go very well. I’d woken up with a bad feeling and I knew I should’ve just stayed home, but I had one too many things to do today. I sighed and wiped the blood off my mouth.

“Kay? You in here?” I heard my best friend say.

“Yeah, Mel, I am.” I replied, turning towards the door. She gasped when she saw my lip and the blood. “I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about it.” She murmured, and I nodded in reply. She knew what happened, but she also knew I wouldn’t tell anyone. The bell rang for the last period of the day and I walked to gym.

I got dressed like everyone else, went through the same warm-ups, but when we began to work out in the weight room, I wasn’t in the same realm as everyone else. I tried my hardest in class. I wasn’t there to gawk at the guys lifting, I was there to get stronger, to make myself better. After awhile I stopped and looked at Tommy, my best guy friend in the entire world. He was working out with my boyfriend, Luke. He smiled when he noticed me looking at them. That’s went I snapped back into my own little world and began to lift again.

I worked alone unless I was benching or inclining. Then coach made me work with a partner so I wouldn’t kill myself. The only girl in the class strong enough to spot me, didn’t like me, so he had Luke do it. I grimaced when he came over to me and smiled like nothing had happened earlier. Like he hadn’t hit me, and busted my lip, and I did the exact same. Not like anyone would believe me when I told them he did it. They only saw the sweet side of him. I got the angry, hurtful, jealous side of Luke.

The bell rang for the end of school rang. I ran out to my car before Luke could catch me after class. I needed a night away from him, away from everyone. I sped home and ran to my room, bypassing my mother and little sister. I heard her protest to me slamming my door shut, but I could care less. I grabbed my headphones, turned on my computer, and lost myself in my music, wishing I just wouldn’t wake up the next morning, so I wouldn’t have to see him.
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Short, I know, but hopefully it can give you enough to want more <3