If Only....

If Only we could of been Friends Forever

Danny, Matt, Mollie and Vicky were like something from a very bad cheesy movie, we were all the like the same person. We have been friends since…well forever. Vicky in fact had been my best friend since she was born, just like our mothers and their mothers. Matt and Danny were next to join the VIP only group. It was in our old primary school. The four of us began to bond over the hatred of the game “kiss chase”. When that craze was over, Danny and Matt went back to their normal group of friends, but it was too late for them to stop it, we were now sealed as best friends for life.

Mollie didn’t come into the equation until much later, at the very mature age of 12; our group became very popular. Mollie was and is someone who liked to be around the popular people, even now, she is known as Dublin’s greatest “it girls”. Soon after she started hanging around us Matt developed a major crush on this little rich girl, and she to him. As nature had intended it the two beautiful people started “going out” and had as a matter of fact only broke up six months before…the incident.

It was after that break up that our group became very interested in going to the local disco. We were expected to go, as I said we were the popular group. During the summer we planed our lives around the discos, right down to the point of making parents rearrange our holidays to suit us going out on those nights. It was events that would take up a day and a half…first we would all go to Vicky’s house to get ready, then we would walk the mile and a half to go to the disco, we would spend the night dancing and networking, when it was all done we walked the 2 miles to Danny’s house and spent the night. The next day would consist of nothing but disco talk. Who wore what, who kissed what, what was played and what could of mad it better the categories were endless!

We were a mischief’s bunch as well. Always pulling practical jokes on any poor unfortunate soul that crossed our way, but we kept out of trouble on a disco week. We would do anything to make sure we were going. Missing out on one was almost unthinkable…and being late, even fashionable so, was just a sin.

We should of known we were born with original sin… and being late would have saved us. Saved us from the sin of regret. The sin that we commit nearly every day since…regret #1 if only the discos werent so imporant to us