‹ Prequel: Until the End of Time
Sequel: Facing the Music
Status: Completed(:

Take a Breath

Screaming & Fighting; Loving and Kissing

“Nick,” I gasped, holding my sides to keep them from caving in on my lungs, laughing hysterically. “Oh God! You've got to be kidding!”

“I wish I was,” He smiled from beside me, throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

“That's why you lied to me? Because of some stupid bet Joseph put on?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“He paid me 100 dollars. Besides, who'd it hurt? It's not like I was dating a girl.”

I smacked his arm playfully, and he rubbed it, pretending that I'd hurt him when I obviously hadn't. “You jerk! Some girl could have wanted to date you, but then you whipped out the dicks over chicks scheme.”

“It benefit me more than you'd think,” He said this with a smug smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

“Alright. How did it benefit you?”

“Vanessa asked if I could go bikini shopping with her, Selena clung to me while her pretty boy was pleading to take her back, and numerous women tried to turn me straight again. Joe only thinks he put me through torture.”

“And now I've got to go clean my ears out, Jonas! Purity ring, my ass!”

He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist, making my stomach churn slightly and my cheeks feel heated. I'm no genius, but I don't think I'm supposed to blush around Nick. He's my best friend. And I'm dating his brother.

“Come on, Madi, you know it was all innocent.”

“Mm..Yep. Girls practically drop their panties from the sight of you alone, so I can only imagine what they'd do if you gave them the look.”

“Is someone jealous?”

“Nicholas, please. Why would I be jealous?”

“Because you want me, babe. Isn't it obvious?”

“Okay, that made no sense whatsoever!” I giggled, snuggling further into his chest without realization.

“Sure it did. You just weren't listening because you were too busy focusing on the things you'd do to me.”

He laughed, and the action shook both of us, causing my face to turn a scarlet color. I shook my head so that my hair could act as a shield from him, and held my hand over his on my waist.

“Madison? Nick?”

My head snapped up at the sound of Kevin's voice, and I shoved at his hands embarrassed, climbing off of his lap quickly. Kevin cleared his throat, and I went over to place a kiss on his cheek, wrapping an arm around his waist almost ashamed. Though, what had I to be ashamed of? Nick had merely wrapped his arms around my waist as a friend would do. Yet..the conversation wasn't something that Kevin needed to hear about, really. I sighed softly, running my tongue over my lips nervously, and sneaking a glance at Nick.

He rubbed his palms on his jeans before he stood up, nodding at Kevin. “I better head out..Mom wants me to go over some things with her. See you later, Kev?”

“Yeah,” He muttered a little harshly, removing himself from my grasp.

“Bye Madison,” Nick spoke, though barely over a whisper, and left before two words could escape my mouth.

I took a seat on the leather couch, moving my feet so that they were under me, and glanced at Kevin warily. He was sitting on the other end of the couch, and had turned the television on, not even taking a second to look at me. I cleared my throat as if to get his attention, and lowered my eyes when he sent me a glare.

“What, Madison?”

“You didn't say anything to me when you came home,” I muttered almost shyly, playing with the hem of my shirt.

“I'm sorry,” He replied coldly, turning his attention back to the show.

After twenty minutes of silence, I got up from my seat and turned the show off, earning a groan of protest from Kevin.

“Madison, I was watching that.”

“I'm well aware. Why aren't you talking to me?”

“Take one guess,” He muttered, getting up and walking into the kitchen, no doubt digging around for a beer.

I followed him, trying to keep my voice level. “Is it because Nick was here?”

He laughed bitterly, shutting the door and taking a sip of the beer. “No, I don't give a shit if my brother comes over. However, I do give a shit if he's holding my girlfriend, Madison.”

“That's what this is about? Kevin, you honestly don't think there was something going on-.”

“I don't know anymore, Madison!” He growled frustrated, looking at me with hurt evident in his eyes.

I scoffed, unbelieving that he'd make such an accusation. “Paul Kevin Jonas, how dare you say that to me! I haven't done anything to make you trust me less! I love you, Kevin, not fucking Nick! But apparently that doesn't matter to you.”

I walked away from him and went upstairs, tears welling in my eyes. This wasn't the first time we'd fought, and it isn't the first time he's accused me of cheating on him. Whether it be because of his experience with women in the past, or even that he was still upset with me for not telling him about Danielle, I don't know! I don't know what I did wrong anymore, but I seemed to be doing a lot more wrong than right lately.

Tears steadily fell down as I pulled a suitcase out from under the bed we shared, and I shoved clothes into it, at the moment too upset to care what matched and if there were any outfits at all. I heard a sigh from behind me, and a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

“Babe..I'm sorry. I didn't mean that..Please calm down.”

I shoved the suitcase on the floor, leaning into him and sobbing softly into his chest. “Kevin..you've got to trust me more. I-I love you.”

He sighed once more, pressing his lips to my forehead gently. “I love you, too, and I'm sorry.”

I looked up at him, meeting his gaze with a small smile as he wiped away any remaining tears. “Promise you'll trust me?”

He chuckled softly, stroking my hair. “I promise.”

I laced my fingers through his, and we sat there for a while just staring into each other's eyes and not saying a word. Though tonight was better, I wasn't sure of what tomorrow would bring. I only knew that I'd wake up next to Kevin, just as I did every morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
First of all..

I want to thank everyone that's read the prequel and commented. Thank you guys so much. And to the people who commented frequently, left me interesting ones and ones that made me laugh (fairly sure you know who you are), thank you! You are the reason this can be written(:

Finally, I have everything pre-written so updates should be faster. (:

Thank you to everyone who commented prior: WolfGirl96
