‹ Prequel: Until the End of Time
Sequel: Facing the Music
Status: Completed(:

Take a Breath

Snooping and Text Messages

I sat on the couch with a sigh, going over the things that Carmen mentioned earlier. Though I couldn't make myself even begin to believe that Kevin had cheated, would he? And if so, why would he?
We were happy together, but with the fighting lately, it's getting harder and harder to say that.

I sighed softly, running a hand through my hair, hearing Kevin's Iphone buzz beside me. He'd be home in an hour, and I knew he didn't like to be disturbed while he was working in the recording studio so bringing his phone to him wasn't an option. I'd just tell him someone called when he got home.

I guess boredom got the best of me because I found myself watching a re-run of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. No sooner had the opening credits finished when his phone buzzed again, this time a name flashing across the screen. Danielle.

What business did she have texting him? For Christ's sake, it's been two years. You'd think the woman would let go. I rolled my eyes, pressing ignore, before curiosity finally got the best of me. I hadn't a reason not to trust Kevin; he'd been nothing short of faithful.

And, I was never the 'jealous' type per say, who would demand everytime that her partner would leave, that he would call. I never snooped, but then I never felt the need to. I groaned slightly when I found myself typing in his pass code, and scrolling through his messages.

I could blame it on the conversation that Carmen and I had prior, but really, I was just curious. Once I found her name, I opened the conversations and scrolled through them. Some were innocent enough, but then I found the recent ones.

Babe, why haven't you called me? You know I miss you.

You think you can meet me tonight?

Madison'll never know.

I love you, Kev ;)
U. Were. Amazing!

I held the phone, immediately feeling sick at what I read. Surely..there had to be a reasonable explanation for this. Surely she was just sending him those things..he wasn't taking part in whatever it was she made it look like. I'm overreacting; over-thinking this, surely.

“Madison? What are you doing?”
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