‹ Prequel: Until the End of Time
Sequel: Facing the Music
Status: Completed(:

Take a Breath

It's Over

I sighed softly, letting my head fall into my hands. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't pretend as if Nick had never said that, but I also couldn't let anyone know he did. If he already didn't tell someone! I groaned, looking at the door as it opened, revealing Kevin.

“Hey babe,” He greeted happily, placing his car keys down on the counter and kissing my cheek softly before sitting down next to me.

“Hi,” I replied half-heartedly, forcing a smile at him.

Being that he's known me for my whole life, he looked at me and caressed my face in his calloused hands. “Baby, what's wrong?”

Instead of replying, I buried my face in his chest, starting to sob. My emotions were beyond my control, and for that, I hated both of the Jonas boys' for seemingly toying with my emotions. Why couldn't Mrs. Jonas and Mr. Jonas have had girls?

He stroked my hair comfortingly, murmuring sweet nothings into my ear, and wiping away the tears that fell after I pulled away to look at him. For a few seconds, it was nice to have him hold me, comfort me, love me. But I knew that even this wouldn't last long.

I grabbed his phone from beside me, wiping my face a last time, and held it out to him. “You left this.”

“Oh, thank you,” He replied a little confused, taking it out of my hand.

“No one called, did they?” He asked this almost nervously, scratching the back of his neck almost awkwardly.

“No. No one called,” I replied almost stubbornly, anger starting spread throughout me much like my blood.

“Then did someone text-?”

“Kevin, are you cheating on me?”

My voice sounded hollow, stripped of all emotion. Which is how I felt at the moment.

“What?” He got out, looking at me offended.

“Kevin, please,” I got out, barely above a whisper.

“Madison, how could you even say that? You know I love you.”

“Then why was Danielle texting you?” I spat.

“Are we really going through this again, Madison? For Christ's sake, why wont you trust me?”

“The same reason why you wont trust me,” I got out harshly.

“I think you need to leave.”
“Are you kicking me out?”

“Madison, this isn't fucking healthy! We've been fighting nonstop since the day we hit a year! If you think I don't love you, that I'm cheating on you, there's the fucking door!”

And I did. As soon as I opened the door, Danielle stood there, hand in mid-air, about to knock. I scoffed, grabbing my car keys, and slammed the door behind me.

“Madison, I swear to God, if you leave...it's over.”

“Then it's over,” I shrugged, unlocking my car door and getting inside it.

I acted like I didn't care, but I did. I cared with everything in me, but him cheating had been going on a while and he had lied. Time and time again. He wasn't “out with the guys”..he was out with her.
As for the moment, I didn't know where I'd go, just as long as it was far away from him.

But only one person popped into my head: Nick.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this story is going to have one or two more chapters,

And, it's pretty obvious as to what's going to happen.

The next one is going to be "Facing the Music."

So be sure to look for it! (: