‹ Prequel: Until the End of Time
Sequel: Facing the Music
Status: Completed(:

Take a Breath

Forever and Always

The Next Day

Sunlight shone through the window, blinding me as my eyelids fluttered open. A bare arm was draped loosely around my waist, and I snuggled into the sheets, feeling drowsy still. A slight pounding throbbed behind my temples as scenes from last night flit in my head much like that of a movie.

Only, this movie was in shorter clips and they were slightly merged together. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach once I realized just where I was and what had happened. I turned around to see a sleeping Nick, a smile on his face as he dreamnt.

I knew, even without having to look, that we would both be naked. I knew that Nick and I weren't married yet, but we would be very soon. Regardless of Kevin and Danielle, Nick and I would be happy.

He had given his virginity away not to someone he truly loved, and they now had a child as a result. I had given my virginity away to his brother, the one I truly loved, and now I felt relief. I felt relief that neither Kevin or I had to lie to each other anymore. He didn't love me, just as I didn't love him.

Yet..two wrongs didn't make a right, and just because we're broken up doesn't mean that this is to be any easier for Nick and I.

I let out an aggravated sigh, sitting up in the bed, looking around me in shock. Through the glass window, I saw a beach. The ironic thing was that..Nick and I had talked about getting married on the same beach, and he had proposed the night prior. I rolled around the new engagement ring on my finger, smiling as it glittered slightly.

“I love you, Madison,” He said softly from behind me, sitting up to rest his head on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh of content, leaning into him. “I love you, more, Nicholas.”

“No amount of time with you can ever be enough, you know. But..I'd like to start with forever.”

And so it was. We'd start with forever, and our story would continue on for years to come. Sometimes, all you've really got to do is take a breath. Then, though, you've got to face the music.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it's probably the shortest story I've ever written but I couldn't wait..
Facing the Music is probably going to be the last one in the series, unless you guys give me reason to write another one..haha.
So, any last thoughts?
Any ideas or anything you want to see in the next one..?