Childhood Hope

The Little Things

I remember how Jared used to push me on the swings, and how his laughing echoed in my ears. Best friends for life, that was what we were. At least until high school, when everything changed.

Jared was the one to show me the Statue of Hope. When we were twelve, he had grabbed me by the hand and took me to the park. It used to be beautiful, tall oak tree's, lush grass, and flowers around the swing set.

The way he had grabbed my hand made me blush. I can still feel the heat from my cheeks to this very day. Cutting through the oak tree's, he took me off of the regular path. I felt nervous, butterflies in my stomach. He stopped and turned around. "Cover your eyes, Noah!" He directed. I nodded and obeyed.

"Please don't let me fall." I told him in a small voice. I had, and still have, a trust issue. He laughed, and my face began to match my hair.

"I won't." he assured me. I became less tense, and let him lead me on. After a bit of walking, he let go of my hand. I let it drop to my side. "Open." As I did, my breath escaped. It was a field of dandy lions. In the middle was a black, marble podium, with a lit fire on top of it. I stared. Jared began talking.

"My mother told me a story." he began."About how this podium came to be. I guess you could call it a legend or a myth, I don't know." I nodded my head.

"What's the story?"

He smiled his charming smile and began to speak once more. "It goes like this. Way back when a dollar was a fortune, there was a boy and girl, who loved each other very much." He sat down on the ground, and I followed his lead.

"One day, the boy had to go to war. The girl was heartbroken without him around. She stopped eating. One day news came back that her love, and 3 others, were killed. The girl lost all will to live. With the last of her money, she asked for this to be built, saying that as long as it's their, there's hope for everyone to come home. With her very last breath, she lit the fire and died."

I began fiddling with a flower to my left. Jared put a flower behind my ear. I began taking it out, but he had stopped me. "Don't."


"It makes you look even more pretty." Those were the little things I missed. All during middle school no one could separate us. I thought we would keep like that, together forever. I was wrong.

And I figured that out the first day I walked into Keller High School.
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Meh.. it's alright for the first chapter. I got lazy, so this is short. It's kind of like the prologue I guess. :) Thanks for reading.