Status: I already wrote the first 15 chapters, but here's the first few...

It's a Brand New Day

Preface and Chapter 1


Did you ever regret something? Like really regret something? I have.

It’s dark. Why is it dark? I’m sitting on… leather. A car! My brothers car. The leather is so cold against my skin… I never liked leather. It’s blurry too, I can’t see out of the windows. Wait- I hear it. Drops hitting the roof, hard and fast. Rain! Raining and in my brothers car… Where is he though? I blink a few times, rubbing my eyes. I feel his presence now, he’s laughing and looking at me. But it doesn’t really feel like I’m there with him. What is this?! There’s a light shining through his side of the window. And then theres a loud sound of a car horn. And then… then a piercing screech and everything hurts and… and then… nothing.

Chapter 1

I gasp, leaning forward in my seat. Wow, the lights are so bright in here. Where am I again? “Please put your seats in the up right position and turn off all electronics at this time. We are set to land in less then 10 minutes.” Oh yeah, the plane! I push the button on the arm rest, feeling my chair surge forward and locking. I take my ear phones out, wrapping them around my iPod and shutting it off.

So, London. I’m not very excited… is that bad? I’m only here because my mother. She worked hard… but she just couldn’t hold down a steady job. The time finally came. I’m going to live with my dad now. I haven’t seen him in years. I feel like this is straight-out of Twilight. A girl leaving her homeland to go to some dark and gloomy place. Hopefully there won’t be any vampires though, I’m more of a werewolf kind of girl.

I pull up the shade too quickly and I’m blinded by the flooding of light. I look away for a second, letting my eyes adjust. The city is actually gorgeous… from up here.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the voice from God, actually the pilot, interrupted my train of thought. “We will now begin our descent to London International Airport. I hope you’ve had a nice ride with us today, we certainly had a great time with you. Stay safe in the city and remember to make your next flight with us, London Air.”

Well, it’s a brand new day, right? Hopefully the secrets of my past will stay where I left them.
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