Status: I already wrote the first 15 chapters, but here's the first few...

It's a Brand New Day

Chapter 2 Part 1

I rushed off the plane quickly, the smallness of it was bothering me. All I wanted was to get my luggage and leave. Walking up the ramp, I sighed in relief. The carpet was blue, sort of a mixture of blues. Why are all airports the same? They look the same, smell the same, bore me to death the same.
I walked out into the waiting area. It wasn't that late, about 7 o'clock in the evening. A lot of people were sitting around, waiting. Some on their cell phones, some reading a magazine or a book. Many looking like business people, you know? Dressed in a suit and tie. It was a Sunday night though, most of them were probably flying back home.
I wish I was flying back home. My real home, in Chicago. I missed it there. The Windy City they call it. I haven't been gone for more then a day and I'm dying to go back. My mom says, "You're so lucky! People would die to visit England!" Yeah Mom, visit. Not live.
Mom and Dad. I wish they had stayed together, made it work for my brother and I. Maybe then things would have been different. No, I know things would have been different. It'd probably be great. I wouldn't have a dead brother and broke mom. I wouldn't be drawn to anything that can cut my skin. I'd probably be able to sleep like a damn normal person. Not to mention I wouldn't have had to get on a one way trip to this god forsaken land. But I guess it doesn't matter now because that is not how life works. Life is just out to get you. Life is a game and I just want to quit.
I snatched my luggage off the rotating carousel, practically had to drag it off. It was way to heavy for me to grab. I had to pack, EVERYTHING, and I really mean everything. I was surprised that I didn't have to get another suit case. I should've gotten one of those little luggage carts, I thought. I sigh, grabbing the handle, walking towards the exits. My dad said he'd send a cab and to look for my name. He said he was too busy with his new show, X Factor, or whatever. I didn't care.
My Dad is the total opposite of my Mom. He's driven and thinks big, while my mom likes to be secure and doesn't take chances. Dad divorced mom when I was 3, my brother was 7. We both didn't understand what was going on, we just knew Daddy "is gone and he isn't coming back."
Anyway, Dad moved across "the pond" and made a name for himself there. He was always really into music and producing, so he put his favorite things together and produced a music show! Yay! Not. Great for him, Mr. Entrepreneur. He never helped my mother out. He has all the money in the world and he couldn't sacrifice a few hundreds for his kids. Selfish.
I found the exit I was supposed to go to. "Taxis" in big red lettering, how could you miss it? I walked to the doors and they opened automatically. Cold air rushed past me, blowing my black long hair back. Damn, it's so cold. I grab my jacket out of my bag, throwing it on quickly, looking around. I see a man, about my fathers age, sort of plump, leaning against a cab and smoking a cigarette. He's holding a little sign with writing on it. The writing is almost illegible. I make it out though after a good 2 minutes, and it reads, "Annabelle Mathers" Oh, that's me! I check to make sure I'm not about to get hit by a car and end up like my brother before crossing the short distance. I approach the man and he looks up. "Anna? Belle? Annabelle?" He says with a English accent, of course. "Belle." I reply dully. I really didn't like talking to people. People bore me. The man nodded, "I'll take your suitcase then, Belle. If you don't mind." I let go of the handle, watching him pick it up with ease. Why can't I be strong!? I open the back door of the cab, sliding in. Leather. It brings up so many memories. I hate leather.
The trunk slammed down and I was brought back to reality again. The driver opened up his door, jumping inside. "Your father has given me the address to where you'll be staying." I nodded my head, silently giving my assent. He started the car. There was no music, so I took my iPod out of my pocket, shoving the ear phones in. I closed my eyes, leaning against the window. Hopefully the ride wouldn't be too long.