The Dragon Books; Book of the East

Blake of the North

My bare feet pounded against the snow-covered ground, my soft footsteps echoing through the forest. The sound of barking and growling ran through my ears as I continued on, tripping over everything that lay still on the forest floor. The thin blanket that was draped around my small shoulders provided me little warmth, and it was already beginning to slip off. The black sky blinded me, leaving me frightened to step forward despite the fact that I did anyway. I knew that I had to keep moving--otherwise I would be thrown into prison. It did not make sense, though--I was just hungry. I did what I did to ensure my survival, not to hurt anyone. It was only one little piece of bread...One piece that saved my life. Why will I be thrown into prison for trying to live? Does not everyone try to stay alive in this cruel world?

A sudden though came into my mind as I stopped quickly. Three dogs and an equal amount of men came into my view, and I heard myself swallow hard. As two of the dogs were about to attack, one of the men called them off, knowing that I had something to offer. I closed my blue eyes and took in a deep breath before annoucing, "I will go as the North. The North shall be represented by myself in the journey to find the Books. Do not be foolish enough to say no to this--as not even your strongest warrior will have enough courage to take on this challenge. In return for this, you cannot throw me in prison. If I return to this place alive after all of the Books have been destroyed, I will be a hero. You must shower my family and I in wealth. If anyone in my blood suffers from poverty, you all will pay the price. If one of a lower class steals food to save his own life, or the life of one he loves, he must be rewarded--not punished. These are my conditions. You all can accept to my terms or allow the North to go on living in the Dragon's Rule. Sacrifice your loved ones, your family, yourself--or allow me to fight four our Kingdom!"

At once, the three guards knelt on their right knees and bowed their heads low to me. "Excellent," I began, "then I shall leave at dawn and you must make all of the Northern Kingdom aware of who I am and what I am doing." The corners of my mouth twisted upward as I thought of what would happen when I returned home--

I would be a hero.