Status: on hold... I think.

Save Me From The Monsters Under Bed

What's So Good About Picking Up the Piece's?

The cold ground felt rock hard as I gently sat underneath the large willow tree in-front of our school building that Max, Ronnie, Craig, Robert, Derek, Jacky, Mika, Mikey -my brother-, and I normally met by.

As always I was the first one here, being the early riser of the group. Well Robert is too, but he's weird. He likes to sit in his bathtub for twenty minuet's every morning while he eats his breakfast for no exact reason... he doesn't even put water in the tub... he just sits.

As for the rest of the boy's over sleeping and being lazy was normally their excuse.

A cold breeze slivered over my smooth tan lag's making me shiver in distaste, glaring down at my white short's panic seeped into me at the thought of the dark colored earth I was sitting on staining them.

Standing up in a haste I looked down at my ass to see no dirt but took the intensive to sit on my back-pack anyway.

Thick clunking of heavy-duty boot's brought my attention away from my momentary panic.

“Hey Fag.” a scratchy voice drawled with contempt, also known as the voice of the man that's hated me since kindergarten; David Rushmore.

“H-hello David.” I stuttered up with a nervous smile not really wanting my ass to get kicked today.

Without responding he roughly pulled me up by my shoulder and balled up his fist with a deadly glare set in his dark gray eye's.

“Hey!” The voice of my savior shouted running up and shoving David away from me with a blur of cussing and black.

David soon ran off with a bloody nose and the warm black clad arm of Max rested on my shoulder's.

“You okay buddy?” He whispered to me with a worried look in his sea foam green eyes.

“Yeah Max I'm fine, thank you.” I said with a soft smile that I'm sure didn't reach my eyes.

I didn't like it when people stood up for me, it made me feel weak when I most defiantly was not. I may be short and cross dresses sometimes, but that doesn't mean I can't defend myself... I just prefer not too.

Another boy jogged up behind Max, I felt my jaw slack, eye's bulged slightly, and my shorts got a tad bit tighter. His eye's directed to me and dilated in a certain fashion, his tongue licking around his lips and his hands twitched slightly; bet he already though I was a freak. Shacking his head he looked towards Max. Yup he thought I was a freak.

“Damn Max, what the fuck was that!” said a sexy ass boy I'd never met before. He had a dark mop of hair, beautiful brown eyes, pale skin, and was super tall; making me feel like a munchkin. But I'm okay with that.

Max dropped his arm and turned to the boy in-front of me; “Nobody's going to hurt this little guy.” He said pointing towards me. “Not on my watch...” His tone got slightly lower as he trailed off. I felt myself bristle at the comment little.

Sexiness turned towards me with a gentle smile and light gleam in those eyes that reminded me of the dark night sky.

It took me a few seconds to realize he introduced himself as Ryan and was hold his hand out to me, blushing furiously I responded with a shy mewl; “M-monte.”

He talked to us for a-little and explained to me that had moved here with his sisters, one was in my grade- tenth-, and one was in middle school.

Soon enough I felt Mikey's presence behind me his warm hand resting on my shoulder and the rest of the guys joining us.

The loud bell rang causing us all to groan as we headed towards the school, obviously not wanting to start the day.

We all divided into groups to get to our classes since here you didn't really need to go to your locker, they gave us more paper work more then anything and barely any home work.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Ryan was in my first class, English 3.0. Both Mika and I were in that class because we were super smart with English and such of that sort so we were in the older class.

Taking my seat I patted the empty place next to me for Ryan so sit at with a wide smile.

Not a second after he sat down class started and our teacher Mr.Groseski pointed towards the white bored telling us to copy down some words in our notebooks for 'future reference' as he liked to say.

The metallic clang of Mr.Groseski's metal meter stick slamming his desk brought us all to attention.

“Today class.” His deep voice full of wisdom croaked, “We are going to write a short essay about being gay.”

My face instantly dropped, rude people all around me laughed because they all new Mr.Groseski hated me, for reasons I don't know, and that this was a blow towards me. Though poor sweet Ryan just looked confused.

“Mr.Money!” Mr.Groseski boomed with a cruel look cast upon his eyes and an evil smirk residing in his old face; his wrinkles bending and contorting in an ugly matter.

“Would you like to explain what it's like being gay to us?” Those beady eyes glared harshly.

Hot tear's welled up in my eyes and my cheek's become red with anger, next to me I heard Ryan gasp.

“We're waiting.” Mr.Ass-Fuck said coyly.

“I don't know much,” I admitted with a sniffled; “But I do know that I have feeling's like everyone else and the fact that your exploiting me for liking men can be reported to the principle and you'll be fired.”

“PUSSY!” Some kid whom I could care less for called from the back of the class.

“No penis.” Mr.Groseski said smirking, in that evil ugly way of his.

A small sob came out of my throat that I tried to cover up with my hand, warm salty liquid running down my cheeks.

Soon the whole class was laughing and Mika came rushing up to my side and grabbed my elbow, gently tugging me out of my seat and towards the door.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” Ryan screamed loudly at Mr.Groseski loudly, startling us all into a hollow silence.

“How can you just be like that!” He stated less loudly, “Just because he's into guys doesn't make him a freak you ass-fuck of a teacher!” He screamed again.

“What if I was gay? Would you treat me like that?!” He said walking right up to Mr.Groseski's face, and hovering over him since he was a-little taller.

“All three of you too the office now.” Mr.Groseski said softly, trying to contain his anger.

“Fine then.” Ryan huffed grabbing my smaller wrist in his large hand, in which I grabbed Mika's albow causing him to follow.

When we we're out in the hallway, the quite as the snow like area I turned to Ryan with the sweetest smile I could; even with my blotchy cheeks and puffy eyes.

“Thank you Ryan, thank you so much.”

“No problem.” He said smiling down at me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a soft side-hug.

Then nervously we all walked to our doom.
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