Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

All good things must end

Five feet nine inches, brown hair, hazel eyes, quarterback of the team. Sounds like a dream boy doesn't he? That would be George. He used to be my best friend. We've known each other since we were six. Been dating since we were fifteen. Two years have passed since that and I can't but ask myself: Where did it all go? He used to be so cute and now he is a jerk. I dont know what happened with us. I'm not really sure if this was ever love. How am I going to tell him that we are over? I don't know how to do it. He has been the only boyfriend I ever had and I can't find the way to finish him.

I was searching for the correct words while walking in the hallway, suddenly I felt a tremendous shove against my back that cut off my thoughts. My books went flying through the air and ended up scattered everywhere. Thanks life. As I looked up, I saw a skateboarder making his way through the crowd towards the door.

“What a creep “ I knelt to gather my stuff taking my time.

“Yeah that’s true, skaters can be such jerks.” A friendly voice said while helping me with my books. I looked up. And up. Even more. This one is a really tall, skinny looking guy, with long brownish hair and pretty eyes.

"William, William Beckett” He said with a smile as he stuck his hand out. Maybe my life will take a slight turn.

I couldn't but to smile back as I extended my hand. Stupid hormones. “Nice to meet you and thanks for helping me.” I must confess I got lost in his eyes. Stop smiling bitch or he'll think you are retarded.

He tugged the thick hair that fell over his eyes behind his ear, something I found extremely adorable. I shook my head.

"If I buy you a coffee will you tell me your name?"

I felt my cheeks turn red. "Yeah sure, I'm sorry, I'm Cry-"

“Crystal and she is my girlfriend” Perfect timing George. He cut me off putting his arms around my waist, “Sorry, I’m George and you are?”

I could see his smile slowly fade away “William. I have to go. Hopefully I'll see you soon Crystal.” He stuttered a couple of times and gave me a warm smile.

"Sure William, see you soon" I waved as he got swallowed by the crowd. I turned to George who had a huge grin on his face.

“Why did you do that?” I asked him while I started walking towards the cafeteria.

“Do what? I saw how that guy was looking at you, and you are only MINE.” The emphasis he used in the last word made him sound like a total creep and I wouln't take it anymore. I was tired of always doing what they wanted. This was it.

“You don’t own me, I’m not an object and I can leave you whenever I want, and today is your lucky day cause I want this to end right now!”

"No you are not going to finish with me cause I'll dump you first!" By now all eyes were over us.

“Fine! anyways today I was going to finish all this and you just made it easier, because now I see that you aren't that cute guy that I once loved or so I thought. You are a total asshole and I'm going to be better without you!" That stupid smirk was still lingering his face and made me want to punch it away. Instead, I just smiled and walked away.

After school I spend sometime sitting in an empty table, I knew people were gossiping about me but I didn't care. I didn't need him right? I needed to talk with someone about it, so I drove straight to my best friend, Lara. Her mom oppened the door, I wasn't in the best mood, so I just smiled weakly and rushed to her bedroom. The door was open and my eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing: Shirtless George over bitchy Lara making out. I couldn't stand it. I ran out of there with my face wet with tears. I would've never thought that my so called Best friend would do such thing to me. How was I gonna get over that?
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