Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

All again for you

William came to my house after school with the sweet aussie boy and Mike; I appreciate them keeping me company now that they are my only friends.

“Crystal I’m hungry, can you make something for me?” Chislett said sitting next to Mike

“I’m kind of tired” I groaned “But for you honey, I’ll do it” I said jumping out of my chair. The boy has something that makes it impossible to say no.

“Hey I am your boyfriend, why does he get the best treat?” William faked a sad face and pulled me down to his lap embracing me.

“Cause he’s aussie” I said tying to get up without succeeding “Help me cute aussie boy!” I reached my hands out to Chizzy, who just smiled.

“What’s so special about aussie people?” Mike asked rather confused.

“They are sweet, and that accent makes them hot” I stated grinning while Michael's cheek turned a slight shade of pink.

“If you have not noticed I, your boyfriend, am still here” William said tracing circles in my thighs with his index.

“Are you jealous?” I slapped his hand.

“Why should I? I know you how much you need me” William started nibbling my neck while his hands made their way under the hem of my shirt.

“I don’t need to witness your demonstrations of affection” Mike said slurly while pulling out jars “I’ll make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” Michael must have been really hungry because he nodded accepting immediately.

“I want one too, please” I laughed, it’s really hard not to do it when Mike is concentrated on spreading peanut butter on a loaf of bread. “Hey guys what if we throw a party here?”

William’s hand stopped and the guys stared at me “That was random, but a great idea baby” William pecked my lips. How can he manage to be adorable all the time?

Just when Chizzy got his sandwich, he devoured it within a few seconds “I need more food Mike.” I smiled. I couldn't have found better friends.

“So when are we having the orge?” Mike was back to his cooking duties.

“How about Friday night?” I suggested taking my sandwich from Mike’s hands.

“Ok, sounds perfect to me, who will get the booze?” William asked taking a bite from my sandwich.

“I’ll get it” Mike said covering loafs of bread with jelly.

“Are you sure you want to have people fucking in your house and trashing the furniture?” Chizzy asked with a serious tone.

“Party pooper!” I pointed to Chizzy “We have to get high!” Honestly I didn't think of that before, but it doesn't matter. All I want is to have fun with my friends.

“I agree with you. Do you have any hot friends I should meet?” Mike asked with a smirk.

“The only friend I have is prego.”

“You have me and I love you”, William whispered in my ear, I twisted on his lap “Crystal, you seriously don’t want to move like that” William said.

“Why not?” I said twisting again with a smile. “You’re very comfy Bill”

“Cause that gives him a boner” Mike cut him with a grin.

“Jerk!” William screamed before taking another bite from the sandwich in my hands, I buried my face in his chest.

“Um, Crystal I don’t want to interrupt your cuddling but I think someone is at your door” Chislett said finishing his second sandwich.

I was hoping he was just kidding, I didn't want to leave the comfort of William's arms. Then I heard the door bell and sighed. “Ok, I’ll be right back”

“Don’t go” William whined tightening his arms around me.

“It’s just a door Bill, it won’t take more than five minutes, here you can have this to remember me” I handed him the sandwich. I kissed his cheek and got up.

I opened the door with a smile that faded when I saw him “George, what are you doing here?” I never thought he would have the guts to face me.

“Crystal I think we need to talk, I’m rea-“

“We have nothing to talk about!” He stepped inside before I could close the door.

“What the fuck do you want?”

“I’m sorry, I want you back, Lara was a mistake, I need you, come back with me please.”

“I don’t need you asshole, now please get out of here” He grabbed my wrists pulling me out to the porch “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”

“You’re hurting me!”I tried to escape from his grip “You bastard! Let me go!”

“Hey sweetie, I thought I heard you scream so I decided to-” Perfect timing of my boyfriend. “Fucking sob, let her go!”

“Who the hell are you?” His face went blank and I’m guessing so did his mind cause he released me “I remember you now, you’re William right?” He turned to me “You bitch! I was right! You did leave me for this fag” George’s hand slapped me across the face, it was the first time someone had dared to hit me.

“Crystal are you ok?” I nodded but it was aching like hell, William kissed my forehead and stepped in front of George, staring him for a second before throwing his fist to George’s face knocking him to the ground. William straddled him. Let the punching and kicking begin. “Stop please, William!” I saw that it was pointless; a better idea was to run for some help, so I did.

“Guys come quickly!”

“I was just about to start eating. What’s wrong?”

“Your sandwich can wait, just come with me” Mike left his food on the plate, and I pulled Michael by the arm.

As we made it to the porch I explained the situation to the guys, when they saw William beating the shit out of George, they seemed to enjoy it. I'm sure they found it amusing, therefore, neither of them tried to separate them. I pushed Mike, he looked at me for a moment and pulled them apart holding George, who was squirming and throwing kicks into the air, trying to escape Mike's grip.

I saw that William's blood stained shirt, his bloody nose, and I worried, once again I felt guilty, he got in a fight for me. But then I saw that George had a black eye and his face was covered with blood, I’m glad he got what he deserved. William looked back at me and smiled. My arms slowly wrapped him.

“You better keep away from Crystal” William threatened; if looks could kill George would be lying on the floor reeling from the pain.

“Or what are you going to do stupid fag?” George isn't a bright one. William tried to walk over to beat him up, again, but I tightened my arms around his waist “Come Bill, let’s get you clean” Bill looked at me once again and flashed me his killer smile. I took him inside. After a few minutes Chizzy and Mike came back, Mike was grinning like a fool “That guy won’t come back.”