Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

Cause our hearts are locked forever

“Ouch! That hurts” William whined as I cleaned the blood from his face in my bedroom, bedroom? Yes that’s the only place I keep my emergency kit, emergency kit? stupid yes, but in situations like this it’s useful.

“I still don’t understand how guys are immutable while being beat up but they always complain when we try to clean the wounds”

He chuckled “Ouch! What about you?”

“I’m ok, I’m not bleeding”

“But It looks red,” He touched the red spot on my face

“I’m fine Bill” I kissed his hand working back to his face

“I love the way you care about me”

“And I love the way your lip looks swollen”

“Maybe a kiss would make them better” I smiled as he held me closer to his body, sliding his hands to my back pockets

“You’re lips are a bit bloody, I think ice would be better”

William pouted “You don’t love me anymore, you think I’m ugly”

I tried to keep a straight face but his cuteness made me fail “Silly dork” I tried to walk away to get the ice but strong Billvy made me stumble falling with him over me

“Hey guys!” I know who’s voice that is, William just rolled his eyes resting his forehead on mine.

“What do you want?” William asked dryly without looking up “And how did you get in?”

“Ew!” Marion screamed from the door I couldn’t see her face cause Bill was still on top of me “Sorry to interrupt but you should close the door and put a huge sign that says ‘Don’t interrupt we’re having sex’ and condoms are a good idea, you don’t want to end knocked up like me” I giggled before kissing Bill’s nose

“Mike called and said we could come” William rolled off of me, dusting himself he helped me up “Mike also said something about having plans for Friday, he got the door so here we are, I just- whoa! What happened to your face?”

“He was born with that face” Mike replied joining the room

“And it’s the cutest face you’ll ever see” I said pecking his cheek

“Why do you have to always be so cozy?”

“Cause we love each other” I wrapped my hands around his waist with a huge smile

“You could show that love in bed not shoving it in my face”

“Aw! Mike is jealous, why don’t you find a girl, that way you will get laid every night and won’t be in a grumpy mood”

“NO! I’m not that desperate” I approached him kissing his cheek he wiped it immediately.

“Why does he get a kiss and not me?” William folded his hands pouting

“Cause you're bloody, but” I traced my fingers on his chest “you’re lips are addictive” With that I kissed him but he pulled away

“I’m sorry baby, but it hurts” he wrapped his arms around me

I turned to Marion “We’re gonna throw a party on Friday”

“With alcohol?”

“Of course you idiot” Realizing what I had just said “Sorry I didn’t mean to be a bitch”

“Monthly curse” William whispered, I punched his arm “Hey!” He started rubbing his arm “That proves my point, and you already are my bitch” The guys laughed

“Very funny Bill” I rolled my eyes

“You look sexy when you’re angry” He towered over me

“I’m not angry” I folded my arms

“Yes you are honey” Mike said sitting on my bed, William stepped closer, his height is really intimidating,

I backed slowly “If you don’t stop it Bill, I’ll castrate you”

“Sweetie you seriously don’t want to” Marion said with a knowing smile

“Why not?”

“Cause you would have nothing to have you attached To William” She said with a smirk

“Good point there”

“I can’t drink, so I think it’s better if I stay home Friday night and get fat with a bowl of ice-cream”

“No! I don’t even know what we’re celebrating, but you can’t miss it, I’ll make Butcher stay sober and we’ll all make sure you have non alcoholic fun” William rubbed her back

“Thanks Bill, you’re such a sweetie”

“I know” This boy has a huge ego and its totally understandable because, yes he writes the loveliest lyrics ever, yes he is hot, yes he has the most amazing hair and yes, his hipbones are the lust.

Just then Butcher appeared “Why are we in a bedroom? Are we going to have an orgy?”

“Ew! You perv!” I slapped his head he tried to fight back but I hid behind Billvy

“So guys we went to the doctor and I’m six weeks pregnant!”

“Awesome!” I pushed everyone away so I could be the first one to hug her after two seconds Mike pulled me away to embrace her.

“Back off dudes, the baby can’t breathe” Butcher pushed everyone aside

“Chill out man, I’m the one who will have a nine month package under the shirt”

“Boy or Girl?” I asked impatiently

“I think its better to wait until the baby is born, you know, just like the old school”

“Boring! I vote we get out of here for some food, who’s with me?” Everyone stared at Marion like she had monkeys on her head “Yes I know I’m going to get huge but I have a little thing inside of me so I have to eat for two”

“Well ok, lets go!” I jumped on Billvy’s back, “I love you William” I whispered to his ear he said nothing “William I need you” He didn’t even move “I want to do you Beckett” a seductive whisper, this time he let me fall on the mattress with a devilish grin he started devouring my body with his hands not minding about the people that were in the room

“Fuck it Bill!” Butcher screamed covering his eyes, William flushed “You seriously need to get laid”

“I think it’s better if we go and get Michael, that way you will have time to finish your love activities” They rushed out the room laughing

“I can’t believe you did that William” I rolled on the bed laughing, “Oh my! You horny bastard”

“What could I do? You turned me on” He layed on the bed with me. “I like you, maybe just too much.” I stopped laughing and rolled next to him. His eyes had lost all spark of lust and now were just big and bright. I felt the urge to peck his lips. William gave me his signature smile. I felt like I was floating, all the butterflies tickling my insides. I couldn't be more happier. Just him and me lieing next to each other's bodies. Time stood for us, letting us enjoy the moment and forgetting the world.
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4 more days!