Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

At the time, the floor was lacking plastic cups. Marion made The Butcher clean up, how weird is that, his apartment rarely is clean. I watched with apathy the couple sitting on the couch, intertwined fingers laying on her still flat stomach. I must admit I felt some jealousy seeing them so happy.

“Hand me the control!” Something tells me that the never ending fight is about to begin.

“No Michael, I got here first.” I wasn’t wrong.

“Crystal tell Sisky to give me the control.” Hearing her name made my head snap. She was across from me, completely spaced out, twirling hair around her finger, unwittingly biting lower lip, looking completely innocent. In another situation this would be a complete turn-on.

“Crystal!” I just saw a paper ball hit the couch, barely missing her face. She blinked and smiled uneasily.

“Stop whining Michael, Sisky got here first, he wants to watch The Fairly Odd Parents, just deal with it.” Maybe I was. I was not expecting that, someone woke up with a bad mood.

“Thanks Mike.” Making sure that he kept control over the programming Adam placed the control in his pocket and returned to the cuddling. Being in a room full of happy couples only makes me feel worse. I need to talk to her, I can only imagine how bad she feels and it’s my entire fault.

I kept my eyes on her. I got stuck in the moment and let the alcohol and eager take the worse of me. A hushed voice and furrowed brows were telling me that she was arguing with Mike. I blocked out the other conversations and tried to hear, but it was useless, after good ten minutes she stood and walked outside. As soon as she was out of sight all the eyes in the room fell over me. I sat there uncomfortably, feeling hung over and guilty without knowing what to do. I wearily walked after her.

The porch such a nice scenery. Everything in that portrait seemed to harmonize so well; her pasty skin contrasting with the dark colors on her clothing, brown snakes framing her face, even the white fuming stick seemed to fit perfectly. Back to the bad habits.

I walked a few steps before she noticed me. As soon as our eyes locked, hers started filling up with tears. It’s hard to watch a girl cry, especially when you know it’s your fault. In a foolish attempt try to make things better, I did what any guy would, offer my arms, but she didn’t respond as I thought. She stepped away from me. “Crystal please listen to me, I need to apologize-”

“You don’t have to explain anything you didn’t spike my drink, you didn’t put a gun in my head to make me… and I don’t want to listen what you have to say.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want to talk with you. I just want some time alone.”

“Time for what?”

“I don’t know… I thought you… I might say things I regret later.”

“Just promise you won’t let this be the end. I know I fucked up really bad but I need you. Just give me one chance to make things right again.” She remained silent, immobile, with her eyes fixed on the red chucks. I reached out for her, feeling the urge to hold her close and show her how sorry I was. As soon as my fingers touched her skin, she ran back to the house.

Well I knew that it wouldn’t be easy but I wouldn’t expect her to literally run away from me. “What was that?” The Butcher inquired joining me, obviously confused.

I struggled to draw a fake smile on my face. “What was what?”

“William, I can tell that something happened between you guys. You don’t have to be a genius to note that. Since she got up, she’s been totally distant and after talking with you she’s a total mess. I don’t know what you did Bill, but you have to fix it.” He gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked back to the house.
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I'm sorry for being a bitch and not updating before. Thanks guys for reading, I owe you more than this.
Comments = Love

Hannah wrote me a oneshot, isn't she awesome? ^_^