Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

We'll take tomorrow

It’s been fourteen days, twenty seven missed calls, nine voicemails and five lost pounds. Who ever said that time heals wounds lied. And I have the feeling it was a he.

I had promised myself I wouldn’t let any other guy hurt me. Once again I lied to myself. Promises are always meant to be broken, why believe in them?

Photography and cooking were obligated subjects every evening. Marion, my lovely friend, was pushed to art by her new stage, dragging me with her. Days flew by with the same routine, drinking tea on the cold linoleum, with photographs littering round us. Rarely were we joined by the father of her kid. Not today. She said she had a surprise for me.

“So what is it today? Did you take photos of apples again?”

She stared and thought for a second “Stop making fun of me, they were pretty apples. But no, I don’t want people to think I’m crazy or anything alike. I just really want you to see something.”

“What is it? Porn?”

“What the hell? No!” For a moment she looked irritated. “It’s something I consider sweet, to show you how much I love you, all though you’re probably going to freak out but, I really want you to see these.” She pulled out an envelope and placed all the pictures on the floor around me.

Portraits of William and me. I scanned each one of them but my attention was caught by one in particular. The overused scene of lovers sleeping soundly; draping arms around each other. I couldn’t help it, my eyes started filling up with tears.

“I thought you would like them, you can keep them if you want.” She was wearing a proud smile. “Aw honey what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I faked a smile “When did you take them?”

“Whenever I could, you were always too busy sucking each others faces to notice. Seriously, I want you to keep them all.”

“I can’t do that, it’s your work.”

By now the tears were slipping. “You’re my best friend, I want to do something for you.” I smiled blithely wiping them. “Why haven’t I seen you around Bill lately?”

I sipped my cup of tea. “Andy told me that things between you and Bill weren’t right, I refused to believe him. Want to tell me what happened?”

I kept ignoring her questionings, and thanked when my phone started ringing. I shoved for it in my pocket and checked the caller ID. Another thing about William was his perfect timing. Marion took the phone from my hands and with a sigh she answered. “Hey Bill… It’s Marion… No, she can’t… I’m sorry but she’s busy right now, try again later… No, we’re not… Ok, see you.”

“Would you like telling me what happened?” She handed the phone and her voice adopted a serious tone. “Sketch that, I demand to know what happened.”

“You don’t need to know.”

“Oh yes I do, you both are my friends and everyone is wondering why you aren’t together. If you guys that seemed the perfect couple didn’t make it through what should I expect with Andy?”


“What? I can’t understand you, again this time slower.” She kept encouraging me with her smile.

“I. Slept. With. William.”

“Aw, sweetheart, what is wrong with that?" I didn't answer. "Did he… Did he hurt you?”

“No, it wasn't anything like that, I… It shouldn’t have happened. I didn’t want it to happen. It’s just that I wasn’t ready.”

I explained everything, when I finished, she didn’t say anything and instead she pulled me into a hug. “You know you can count with me girl.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate that.” She got up from the floor taking the photographs and putting them away. She tried to make me feel better and it helped. Our conversation was interrupted by knocks on the door.

“That’s probably Andy, he said he would come over.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get it.” I smiled and walked to the door. As soon as the door flung open, I was attacked by a pair of arms embracing me.

“Crystal! Where have you been girl? I haven’t seen you in a days and I missed you.” Michael's sweet voice made me smile.

“I’ve just been busy, but I missed you too, and your accent but specially your hugs.” My giggles and voiced were muffled against his chest. “What are you doing here kid?”

“I came with Butcher and William, we thought Marion could use some company.”

“Shit, William is here?”

“Yeah, I knew it was a good idea to bring lover boy. He went to buy something to eat, but he’ll be here any moment.” He put an arm around me and took me to the living room, where he proceeded to greet the future mom.

Before I could think of a way to get myself out of the place, the Butcher’s voice was echoing through the house and soon his face was glued to Marion’s. I took that as my cue to escape. While everyone headed to the kitchen, I started walking towards the door. But to my dismay I bumped into someone.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” William was holding boxes of pizza.

“Well I was about to leave.”

“Please Crystal will you listen to me?” He asked softly. I nodded and watched him place the boxes on a small table.

“Some thing I must recognize about this situation is that it takes some balls to show up after what you did.” Clearly there was wrath in her voice. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

“Please Marion, this is between Crystal and I. Don’t bug in, it’s none of your buisness.”

“Oh it is, since she is my friend, I, unlike some bastards, do care for her.”

“She’s my girlfriend; I have the right to talk with her whenever I want to.”

“Now, listen to me Beckett. No you have no rights over her. You had no right to do what you did, you have no right to talk with her, so you better stay away from her if you don’t want me to kill you and tell the world the cheap piece of scum you are. Besides, who said she is still your girlfriend?” William remained silent without moving.

“Marion, thanks but I think I can handle this.” She hesitated, but walked back to the kitchen. I turned to William “Ok, I think it’s time we set things straight, can we just go outside?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Gerry made me feel guilty for not updating, so I needed to post something.