Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

The fourth drink instinct is taking over

I opened my eyes and found myself in a couch. Remember me to never drink like that again. I sat slowly, looking around. My clothes are on, so I guess I don’t have anything to regret.

“Finally you woke up.”

I stared blankly, I recognized her immediately, Marion, the “bad girl” from school. Now this doesn't make sense at all “Where am I? And what am I doing here?”

She gave me a warm smile. “Well I was in a party last night, and I saw you getting really wasted, since you are in my history class I decided to bring you home, you could barely stand up, and guys were offering you a one night stand.”

I remembered now. Hanging out with the "popular kids" gave me the chance to get completely wasted almost every day. “Well thanks, do you have something for my killer headache?”

Another smile. Appearantely the lip ring and purple bangs made her the school rebel. She tossed me the bottle of aspirins. “You want to go out to have breakfast? it’s pretty late and I’m a bad chef.” She stated, the smile never leaving her face as she pulled on her hood and grabbed the keys.

“Sure, I’m so hungry.” There was just something about her that made me trust her. So we got out of the house and headed to her car, during the ride I tied my hair in a ponytail. The headache wouldn't leave me. Finally we found a place to park.

“Why did you help me?” I asked as the waitress came over to take our order.

“Come on, what will you have? I will take waffles, and orange juice.”

“I will have a cup of coffee and pancakes” As the waitress left, I turned to Marion “You didn’t answer me, why did you help me?”

“Because you didn’t seem to be ok. Rummors going around school, you know about Geor…”

“I don’t want to talk a…” The waitress came back with our breakfast, I was really hurt for what happened and drinking was not a good way to forget it. “Thanks for helping me, but I think I should go” I said as I got up.

“Wait” she took my arm "Your friend was there, flirting with my boyfriend and that really got me."

How could that girl who I thought was my best friend be such a whore.

“Hey Marion!” I turned to find two handsome guys, and one seemed familiar.

“Hey babe, I called you this morni… oh sorry, I’m Andrew,” he said as he waved with a smile “you can call me Butcher, this is my friend Wi…”

“William, and I already had the pleasure” he interrupting taking my hand to kiss it gently. “Nice to see you again Crystal.”

“Do you mind if we join you?” William asked with a grin. I nodded and he sat beside me. A guy in tight jeans? He must be one cocky guy, a gorgeous one.

“Marion, I was looking for you yesterday at the party, why did you leave that way?”Andrew the Butcher asked.

There was an awkward silence, I turned to Marion who was staring down at her food. “That was my fault” I finally said, everyone at the table stared at me “long story, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Ok, anyways, we have a small gig tonight would you like to come?” Marion looked annoyed, she got up and left the table, the Butcher ran after her, another awkward silence between William and me.

“So?” he asked taking a sip of my coffee I looked at him disgusted. He chuckled and called the waitress to ordered me another coffee. As soon as she placed it in front of me I pushed it back.

“Someone is in bitchy mood” he said with that crooket smile. A smile that I could get used to.

“Someone is pissing me off” I glared him evily. I wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone.

“Hey I’m sorry if you are in your hard days, it’s not my fault, and it’s not my fault that your idiot boyfriend dumped you.”

I glared sharply at him, how could he know? I stood up and got out of there, like I needed more people laughing in my face about what happened. Those long legs made him fast.

"Crystal!" He called my name over and over, and I must admit, I liked how he said it. “Im sorry if I hurt you” He grabbed my arm wearing an apologetic look, “I’m going to start over again, I’m William… blah, blah, blah, Im in a band… blah, blah, blah.” I couldn't care less about what he was saying. We hung out for some hours until Mr. I-look-better-than-you-in-tight-jeans decided to take me home.

“Would you like to come and see us play?”

“I don’t know, I don’t feel like going.” I was feeling tired and all I wanted to do was sleep, watch a movie and sleep more.

“I don’t care if you want to go or not, I’ll be here at 7, ok?” He kissed my cheek and walked away. Bossy much?
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