Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

Forget yesterday we'll wake the great escape

I was really tired, so I did what I wanted. Throw myself over the couch. I started feeling my eyelids very heavy.
An annoying buzz brought me back from my deaming. I jumped to the ringing of my phone. Digging my hands into my pockets, I pulled it out. “Who dares to interrupt my sleep?” I groaned threw my phone.

“Sorry, to wake you up, it's me Marion.” I really didn't expect her to call.

“Oh, sorry, I’m in a bitchy mood” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes along with a yawn. Laughter coming from the other side.

“Well I want to apologize for leaving you.”

“Oh yeah, William was such a dumbass.” I couldn't shove out of my head his smile. What a lovely face. Nice hair. Hot body. Hormones like to take control.

“Really? He’s always so cute, unlike Andy” I heard her voice get weaker and she let out a sigh.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine,” she cleared her throat. “Hey do you want me to pick you up?” she tried her best to sound enthusiastic.

“Holly! I totally forgot, William said he would be here at 7, I have to go.” I got up and started to run upstairs to take a shower, not without tripping a couple of times on the stairs. Dumbass me.

“That means I’ll see you there right?”

“Just let me get pretty, and I’ll be there.” I shut my phone and entered the bathroom, I took out my clothes in a rush. After a four hour nap and a relaxing shower I felt renewed.

I dove into my closet to find something decent to wear. After trying on half of my clothes, I decided to wear a frilly skirt with leggings, flats, yeah five feet-seven and I look great In flats and a stripped tanktop. I straightened my hair, did my makeup. I never use makeup, why the hell am I doing this?

I was done, I took a look in the mirror, I looked stunning, but why? Who am I trying to impress? Isn't it obvious? I am supposed to be heartbroken, I've only seen him a couple of times. Why does he have to be stuck in my mind. As soon as I heard the tapping on the door I hurried downstairs.

“Hi Crystal I...” His jaw met the floor. “Crystal, I must say you look beautiful tonight.”

I blushed staring at my feet. “Thanks William, do you want to come on in?”

“Thanks, but I want to get early to the venue so you can meet the other guys”

“Oh, thats ok” I grabbed my coat and closed the door behind me. It was cold. Why did I decide to wear this? I shivered, William noticed so he hugged me as we walked me to the car. What a gentlemen I thought as he opened the door. He drove in silence, looking at me very often, making me feel uncomfortable. We finally arrived at the venue. Again the gent.

We walked over to a couch where the rest of the band was. They didn’t notice us, they were all busy laughing. I spotted Marion, my new buddy.

“Hey guys, I want you to meet my friend Crystal.”

They stood up and gave me warm smiles. Something told me this was the beginning of a nice friendship. “Such a lovely name for a pretty girl, I’m Mike and this is my friend Michael, we are the guitarists.”

“Nice to see you again” The Butcher said as he took Marion’s hand.

“I’m glad you came.” I saw Marion. Puffy eyes. No good sign.

“Hey guys, where’s Bill?” a worried voice interrupted, “we can’t start to pla… And who is this pretty brunette?” a guy with a weird haircut asked as he grinned. All the compliments were making me blush madly.

“Sisky, you’re scaring Crystal.”

“So Crystal is your name? Its cool I like it. Adam T. Siska better known as Sisky at your service” He grinned as he took my hand to kiss it. Suddenly we were all talking as if we were best friends.

“Hey guys I’m going to get a drink, does anyone want something?” I asked with a smile, they all nodded declining, so I went on my own to the table. I found alcohol. No, not tonight. I decided to just take a bottle of water. My stomach started to grumble. That's when I remembered that since I spend my whole day sleeping I didn't eat anything. I took a brownie from the table, Marion was standing next to me, she took a cupcake. A smirk tugging the corner of her lips, obviously wanting to say something.

“What?” I questioned taking a bite from my brownie.

“So you and William?”

“NO! No, I barely know him, and I want to be a single for a while.” Lie.

The smirk still plastered on her face “You seem to be very physical, and I can tell he likes you.”

He likes me? That just made me happy, after all I am single, maybe not for long. “Are you better know? I mean with The Butcher” I changed the subject.

“Yeah, I really love him, and I don’t want a whore to finish this” she pulled out a beer, “he said he won’t do it again,” she tried to sound convinced, as she took a sip of her beer. William walked over hugging me from behind.

“Hey girls we are about to go on stage, you should come.”

Marion gave me a grin “Yeah sure Bill” he walked to catch up with the guys, as she handed me a beer, “You’ll need it” I didn’t understand, but I followed.
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Hey people please tell me what you think of this
All comments are welcome = )