Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

The people we need to love and hate

My eyes slowly opened, It took me a few seconds to realize I wasn’t alone in my bed, and a few more to feel a hand around my waist, but what really shocked me was that huge bulge in my back, now this was really awkward, not that I minded being cuddled in William’s arms but giving him a boner, I smiled to myself, I slipped out of his arms waking him up.

“Hey Bill, I know this is a weird way to start the day, but, umm, I think you have a hard on”

"Good morning Crystal, umm, yeah I think so”

“Do you want to take care of it?” I couldn’t but laugh; I turned to avoid him.

“I wish you could help me, but, I guess I’ll have to do it myself”

He walked to the bathroom, and after changing I went downstairs, I pulled out of the cupboard a bowl and the box of Lucky charms, I grabbed the milk out of the fridge, and I sat at the table, eating some cereal, William joined me after moaning my name loudly in the bathroom.

“What were you doing at school when we first met?” I asked curious
He smiled “You weren’t playing attention yesterday right? I already told you, I graduated a while ago, I was looking for Sisky”

“You mean, I’ve been in the same school with Sisky for years and I just met him yesterday?”

“Yes, and he thinks, well all the guys think you’re cute” William said with a smile.

“You don’t think so?” He swallowed without looking at me, and I laughed loudly.

“What?” He said putting a spoon full of cereal in his mouth,

“Nothing, it’s just that we slept together, I gave you a boner and made you moan my name, you must want me badly.”

He grinned “I’m sure you’ll be moaning mine soon”

I punched his arm. “I’m not sleeping with you”

He grinned looking as his spoon “Sure you will, and it’s going to be the most mind blowing sex you’ve ever had.”

I smiled shyly at my breakfast, he shot me a glance, and with a tiny smile “You’re joking right?”

“About what?” I asked playing with my food.

“You’re still virgin!” He shrieked, pointing at me, I stuck out my tongue at him, which made him laugh, we finished our breakfast joking.
I followed him to the door.

“Thanks for last night” I hugged him.

“I’m here for you whenever you need me” he picked me up and kissed my forehead and that just made me smile madly.

Unfortunately Monday I had to go to school again. I stopped hanging out with the "popular" kids so I had no friends. Well Marion, but she rarely showed up. I came across Lara. Luck must hate me.

“So Crystal, how are you?” she asked with a grin.

I felt my face turning red, and gave her my biggest smile “Despite the fact that my ex-best friend and my ex-boyfriend were laughing at me behind my back, I’m fine thanks, how about you slut?”

She rolled her eyes, looking annoyed, “Grow up, I just gave him what you didn’t”

“You’re a whore, and you’ll never be more than that, that’s the only thing girls like you are made for”

She gave me a hard look “Whatever, I heard a hot guy is giving you a pity date, is it true?”

Marion had just joined me, she heard everything.

“Well if you are talking about William, yeah he is hot, and he only dates girls when he wants a relationship with them, so you’ll never have a chance with him, cause the only thing guys want with you is a fuck”

“Who the hell are you emo dork?” she looked even more annoyed.

“She is my friend, Marion” I said putting my arm on her shoulder. “So don’t you have something to do, like stealing other girls boyfriends?”

“Oh yeah, I’ll go and leave, so you can slit your wrists emo dorks” She turned with her hair waving behind her.