Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

Lips like morphine

Marion grimly stuck the fork in the food “Just look at this shit, its worse than airplane food”

I stare at the weird entrée, “I’m not eating this shit” I pushed the tray and pulled out a cigarette from my bag, “Do you have a lightner?”

“What kind of bitch doesn’t have one?” she took one out of her pocket

“Well what kind am I? Cause I don’t, you want a cigarette?” I offered her the cigarette box, she took it to lit the cigarette in my mouth.

“Hey I heard what happened at the club, are you okay?” She asked while dragging deeply in the cigarette

“Well yeah, I was scared, it’s not like I wanted my first time to be at an alley with some drunk dude, I wa-“

“Hold on” She pulled out her vibrating phone while exhaling “Did you just say first time?” she read the message and shoved it back to her pocket

I nod letting the smoke out of my mouth “What’s the problem with being a virgin anyway? It’s not a big deal, William laughed at the idea”

“You are the first girl I know that says that” She breaths in the cigarette “and why did he know before me?”

“I just that I want it to be with the correct guy” I paused “and he knows because he slept at my house”

She gasped “So was he good?”

I made a disgusted face “No! Nothing happened! Only sleep, and I wont give my viginity to some dude that I just met”

She laughed, I stared at her “Sorry dude, it’s just that not only you are a virgin you also think like a virgin.”

I punched her arm “Ouch! But don’t worry you’ll probably lose it to Bill.”

“No! I mean he’s cute, but we’re only friends”

“Oh, come on! Not even you believed that, he likes you and you like him too, you should try it, you know, when I met the Butcher, I thought that he was a butthead, but when I started to know him, I realized he’s a great guy”

“Aww, someone is in love” I teased “So sweet it makes me want to puke”

“Come on, I'm not in love, love doesn’t exist, it’s not like you live in a pink castle waiting for your prince to rescue you from an ugly bitch” she stopped “even though ugly bitches do exist” she pointed at the table where Lara was sitting “I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand how could you be her friend for so long, she’s a total bitch”

“I don’t know, I’ve known her since I was eight, so that’s why” Lara was making out with George, It hurt because they were both my friends, I never thought that they would betray me, but somehow they belonged together, the typical slut with the asshole jock, it had to be that way. They or at least she noticed that I had been staring at them so when they tore away Lara gave me an evil smile, George only looked away embarrassed. I got up and walked slowly to the bathroom leaving Marion alone. I locked myself and sat on the toilet, I felt my eyes fill with tears.

Im so stupid. Why didn’t I see this before, he never loved me, I was just another piece to his collection, just a trophy girl.

"I'll never hurt you, I promise." That's what he said, simple words. I will never believe in promises again.

I heard someone enter, I tried my best to remain silent, I saw a pair of feet walk pass a couple of times, but they stopped just in front of me, a soft knock on the door, “Hey Crystal you need to come out” I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me, “Come on girl, I know how much this hurts, but you need to get over it”

After some minutes, I gave up and opened the door, Marion was standing in front of me half smiling “You look terrible, we need to fix your make-up”

I walked to the mirror and nodded “I was so stupid” I washed my face and Marion helped me with the makeup, as she did, a group of preppy girls walked in and stood in front of the mirror, “So bitch, what do you feel knowing that the hottest guy in school dumped you for your best friend?” She asked with a grin as they fixed their hair.

“Well slut, its not as bad as you feel after sleeping with some teachers for grades” her cheeks started taking a red color and she stormed out of there with a flock of slags behind her.

“You’re my idol!” Marion hi-fived me, I smiled to my self, “Hey Im skipping the next periods to go out with Andy, wanna come along?”

“No thanks, im gonna stay here”

After a few minutes she left, and the day went on pretty quickly, the same boring classes, and more girls insulting me, just kinda normal, after school I drove home, I made my own food, yeah that’s right I cook myself, after that I did my homework and since I didn’t have any more friends I decided to stay home watching a move, so I walked to the fridge for some ice-cream, ‘The Ring’ was the perfect rehab. Just when the movie was getting better a knock on the door made me jump, so I stopped the movie and rushed to the door,

As I opened the door I found William staring down to his feet, I cleared my throat to catch his attention “Hey Crystal”

“Hi William, what are you doing here?”

“Well since our last date didn’t work out, I thought it would be ok if I spend the afternoon with you”

“Ok, so…?” I asked nervously

“So what? Aren’t you going to invite me in?” He asked with a grin
I nodded, as he passed me he kissed my cheek, and threw his lanky body over the sofa and started playing the movie, I sat next to him feeling quite uncomfortable, it was really hard to pay attention to the movie with William next to me.

“Crystal, no offense but I think you’re a terrible host”

Just then I realized I hadn’t offered him anything, “Right, hold on I’ll be back in a minute” I did, with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soda, when Williams eye caught me, he stood up hastily to help me. I jumped onto the couch. A lot more relaxed, the couch was very comfy so I moved closer to William, he did the same, and putting an arm around my shoulder he pulled me closer to his chest, the movie was really boring or maybe I had just seen it way too many times before, anyway William seemed to be enjoying it. I layed my head over his lap and spread my legs across the couch falling asleep.

When I woke up the credits were finishing, I could feel Williams fingers tracing delicately my outlines. I didn’t mind, he reached for the control and turned off the screen, “You have skillful fingers” I said with a smile still resting on his lap

He chuckled “Back from your beauty sleep? I think I should leave before your parents get here”

“Don’t worry about that, I live on my own” I said looking up to him, his eyes seemed brighter than usual , he was staring at me with a cute smile on his lips. I hate when people stare at me. I sat up quickly, but he was still staring at me, he took my chin to kiss me, it was the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had, for a moment I forgot about everything, it was just William and I connected by our lips, I felt like lightning had just struck me. The way his lips motioned slowly along mine made the butterflies tickle my insides, I couldn't be happier. He pulled away staring into my eyes, and kissed me once again, this time it was a deeper kiss. Our lips upon each other's felt just so right, my hands were running through his hair. the kiss turned into a make-out session where we was on top of me, I could feel my heart beat faster, his hands roamed my body and stopped to unbutton my pants. Then I pulled away.

“No William, I don’t want to do it”

He continued kissing my neck until he reached my lips “Ok, I won’t force you to do anything, but how am I going to handle this?” He said pointing at his crotch.

“You know where the bathroom is”

“Ok, be right back”

After some minutes in the bathroom he came back and sat next to me, he looked anxious.

“Uhm, Crystal I-I know I just met you” he messed up with his hair, this must be important, he never stutters. “B-but uhm, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

I tried to act cool, but I couldn’t control myself, I wanted him to ask this since I met him, immediately I hugged him “Yes!” I screamed a little more than excited as I pecked his lips. He smiled at me and I could only think that this is the start of something beautiful.
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Comments pretty please =)