Promise Yourself, That This Isn't All We've Got

Luck loves me not tonight

After shutting the apartment door behind him, I felt William’s warm lips attack mine, I smiled to his kiss, his kisses started to make their way down to my neck, I felt my cheeks reddened and my grip on his waist tightened. He pulled away walking to the kitchen “Do you want to eat something?” What? Someone is quite a tease.

I walked through the room examining the portraits, he looked so cute as a kid, “Do you really cook?”

“Shit no, but my sister eventually takes care of that, so there must be some food” I found him searching the fridge “well maybe we can order something”

I smiled “Maybe I can prepare something for my lovely boyfriend”

“You know, that sounded really corny, but I liked it” he hugged me kissing the top of my head “Your hair smells good” I giggled as our noses nuzzled and our foreheads slightly touch each other,

“Is that a knock on the door?” he growled .

“Yeah, I think so, now go get it while I cook something”
I heard William talk with someone, it was a girl, at least that’s what I could say judging from the voice, who could it be?

“Crystal, would you please bring your sexy butt here, there’s someone I would like you to meet” William yelled from the lounge, I walked over to find him with a pretty girl, brown hair, nice smile she seemed slightly older than William

“Crystal this is my sister Courtney, Courtney she is Crystal, my girlfriend” I reached out my hand for her to shake, she looked at me with disdain but she did shake my hand, more of a courtesy.

“You know Bill, Christine has been asking for you” William’s eyes rolled at Courtney’s comment,

“Crystal is gonna cook something, do you want to join us?” William tried to change the subject as the three of us walked to the kitchen

“Well, you know that I enjoy cooking for my little brother” she glanced me “You don’t mind if I have the honors right?”

I smiled weakly, I could already tell that this was going to be a long evening “Its ok with me” William gave me an apologetic look, “Can I use the bathroom?” I whispered, “Sure, it’s the only door at the end of the corridor, just walk straight ahead, its easy to find” I kissed his cheek.

“Thanks for the help Beckett” I muttered to myself as I wandered the apartment, this place has a decent decoration. Door. I think I found it. Yup I did.

Shutting the door behind me, I washed my face, I think Courtney isn’t pleased with the fact that I am with her brother, maybe she thinks im not good enough, I bet she’s one of those insane girls who think they know everything.

Is that William yelling? I entered cautiously the kitchen, It’s the first time I hear him so mad , “Dammit Courtney! Christine is over!” anger drawn in his face, that led to make him throw several dishes and cups to the floor. William could be really sweet but seriously don’t want to make him mad.
Courtney turned away back to her cooking, William stood there for a few seconds before realizing that I was there.

“I’ll get that” He knelt to gather all the porcel pieces scattered on the floor. He tried his best to smile and make me feel ok, pretend nothing happened. Pulling out a chair he invited me to sit on his lap, I giggled as he poked my sides, twisting on my comfy seat, Courtney didn’t speak the whole time and that only made it more awkward.

“So how long have you guys been together?” Courtney asked as I stared at the Parmigiana on the plate in front of me, it looked tasty.

“A couple of days” William answered before shoving his mouth with chicken breast, I don’t understand how this guy is so abnormally skinny, his sister cooks great, and he indeed eats enough.

“I always thought you would keep a pattern on girls, they all looked the same, tanned, blonde girls, with big boobs”
What the hell was that supposed to mean? “And Crystal doesn’t fit in those ranges”
Dude I’m here, I can hear you “I hope he treats you well” a smirk traced her face.

“I don’t know how he treated the others, but I can assure you that with me he is absolutely charming” He smiled squeezing my hand.

“That’s what Christine said” she got back to eating, this was so annoying, sure she doesn’t like me, but does she has to make me feel like shit? and who the hell is Christine?

“Why are you such a bitch?” William’s fists nailed on the table “What the fuck is your problem?”

Courtney rolled her eyes "She" she answered flatly pointing at me, “why the fuck did you have to choose a fucking teeny like her, Christine was a million times better”

“Well I’m sorry if I’m not the bitch type you would like for your brother, and we are none of your business”

“Crystal will not cheat on me like that cheap skirt did” William didn’t say anything about this, and since his voice cracked I could tell he was really hurt.

“Come on Bill, we know that She is a rebound” Excuse me, I have a name, it's Crystal “You don’t need her to make Christine jealous”

“Enough!” William got up full with rage “Get out!”

Courtney’s eyes widened in shock “W- what did you say?”

“You heard me, get the fuck out of here” William crossed his arms glaring sharply at her, she looked offended, storming out, I heard the door slam.

“I’m so sorry baby” William tried to comfort me pulling me to his arms “She usually doesn’t act like that”

I sobbed “Is it true? Am I just a rebound girl?”

“Of course not, you’re the cutest thing ever, what’s not to love about you?” Those words made me feel better and the warmth of his arms made me melt, but I felt terrible for being the reason of his fight with his only beloved sister.

"So who is Christine?" I asked as he sat down next to me on the couch

"As you may guess, she is my ex, we were together for a long time, and Courtney doesn't seem to understand that it's over" William ran a hand through his smooth hair "She was the one who screwed up" he placed his lanky arm around my shoulder "But now I have you and I promise-" I cut him with a kiss.
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Sorry for no updating before, I'm feeling quite sick, so if this chapter sucks, its cause my brain isnt working properly
I don't know if Courtney is younger or older than William
And I don't hate Christine, I actually think she and Bill do a cute couple ^_^ and if they did have a kid, Im sure its one gorgeous girl. Enough ramble.