Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

Where the hell did that voice come from?

Recap:''Hey Kat I was wondering, you know the summer festival coming up?''
''Well I was wondering if you would like to go with me.''


‘’I’d love to,’’ I said smiling at him. I loved the summer festival. It was something that Ijs and I looked forward to the whole year. You’d expect it to be a bright, happy festival. Though it was happy, it was anything but bright. I guess you could say it was a more badass version of Halloween.

The whole festival actually takes place at night and, it’s so much fun. Nothing ever stopped Ijs and I from going. Hell, we’d still go if we were dead! The kind of partying that goes on during that festival IS enough to wake the dead. Literally. It’s kind of like the old tradition of Friday the 13. Unexplained events always happen. Not deaths or anything like that it was things more like… crazy ass pranks happen to people and there’s no way that a bunch of teenagers could’ve done it.

Yeah… of course now I actually know the explanation. Well, kind of. Ijs when he got back from his first year at Sætre he mentioned ghosts but I never believed him. I do now though. I’m guessing here in northern Europe all ghosts stay at the castle. At least until the summer festival I guess. I’ll have to ask Thomas about it later…

‘’I was thinking this year…’’ Thomas said pulling me out of my thoughts.

‘’Yes,’’ I said looking over at him.

‘’That this year for people here at the castle, have some kind of ball or something,’’ he said smiling at me.

‘’That would be amazing!”

‘’You think?’’

‘’Hell yes! It would be so much fun,’’ he smiled at me.

‘’It would be, I’d get to dance with you,’’ I smiled and laughed lightly.

‘’It would be cool if it was a masquerade.’’

‘’It would, I don’t know it was just a thought.’’

‘’Well I think you should do it,’’ I said smiling as we walked back inside and down the hall. I yawned suddenly.

‘’You know, I think I’m gonna go take a nap. I didn’t get much sleep last night.’’

‘’Yeah, I didn’t either,’’ he said softly taking the handle of the door that lead into his study. I smiled at him once more before turning and walking down the hall towards my room. I opened my door and walked in. I trudged slowly over to my bed before jumping on it. I don’t know what made me so tired all of a sudden. Not long after my head hit the pillow I feel asleep.

Ijs and I were laughing at what I couldn’t really remember. My dad walked through the door suddenly and he was pissed. Ijs pushed me behind him until my dad grabbed and yanked me away from Ijs. I slipped on the tile floor hitting the ground hard. I looked at Ijs who was ready to kick dads ass. Ijs no!

Ijs attacked dad who turned on him with a murderous look in his eyes before punching him hard in the stomach. Ijs fell to the ground in pain. He looked over at me pain in his eyes. I wanted to help him. I wanted so fucking bad to help but if I did it would be the death of both of us.

I just stayed on the ground not daring to move until dad grabbed me by the arm and yanked me up. Ijs went after him again grabbing his leg only to be kicked in return. I was almost sure Ijs had a broken rib or two now. He groaned softly in pain. I closed my eyes tightly and cringed knowing that for making even the slightest of noises he would be kicked again. Dad let go of me pushing me back on the floor. Ijs was to the point he couldn’t move I knew that for sure. But he was fighting for me anyway. Knowing what would happen to me if he didn’t.

‘’Even in the end he couldn’t stop him…’’ a voice whispered suddenly.

I shot up. I wasn’t there. I wasn’t at my old home I was in my room. Here at the castle. I sighed in relief. I rubbed my eyes remembering that painful memory.

Where the hell did that voice come from?
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Whoa! Now what the hell is happening!? Poor Kat. Poor Ijs. :(

What ya think? Who's voice do you think she heard in her dream?