Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

Yeah... I do

Recap:‘’Even in the end he couldn’t stop him…’’ a voice whispered suddenly.
I shot up. I wasn’t there. I wasn’t at my old home I was in my room. Here at the castle. I sighed in relief. I rubbed my eyes remembering that painful memory.
Where the hell did that voice come from?

I curled up wrapping my arms around my stomach. I felt sick at the memory. That happened just over a year ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. Ijs and I both got the shit beat out of us by that evil bastard that, I could live with but what he did to me before that I will never forget…

Ijs looked over at me from where he was on the floor hair in his face. I just kept my eyes on him. I screamed for him to look away and in return got hit in the face. When that bastard finally got sick of me he left. Thank fuck for that. Only Ijs and I know that happened.

And thanks to that bastard I can’t trust people. How could I the fucker raped me.
We never saw him again, and I swear if I ever do again I’ll slit his throat… Ijs won’t even get the chance to.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to keep from crying. Just forget it Kat past is the past. Ugh I need to move around. I thought annoyed as I got up. I must have been asleep for a while because the sun was setting in the distance as I glanced out my window. I turned away from it and opened my door. It was warm in the hall this time earlier it had been fairly cool.

I made my way slowly to Thomas’ study hoping he was there. I didn’t like people but I was beginning to grow used to Thomas’ company just as long as he stayed at least foot away from me. I took notice to the light shining from under the door and opened it slowly. I was met by a familiar face.

‘’Finally awake are we,’’ he asked laughing.

‘’I’d still be asleep if it weren’t for…’’ I trailed off.

‘’What,’’ he asked looking at me quizzically.


‘’I see you also like this book,’’ Thomas said picking it up from the table.

‘’Yes I do, I didn’t take you for the kind of man to read a book like that,’’ I said sitting in the chair beside him.

‘’I suppose I’m full of surprises,’’ he said smiling back at me, ‘’because that is my favorite book.’’

‘’Really,’’ I asked looking at him skeptically.

‘’Yes, I’ve read it so many times,’’ he said laughing softly.

‘’I figured someone had when I took it off the bookshelf earlier I realized how worn out it was,’’ I said softly looking down at the floor. I jumped feeling a hand rest gently on my arm.

‘’Hey are you okay,’' Thomas asked softly.

‘’Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.’’

‘’Did you ever write a reply to your brothers letter?’’

‘’No, I almost forgot. I should do that.’’

‘’Here,’’ he said handing me a pen and paper. I smiled at him.

‘’Thank you,’’ I said softly taking it from him.

‘’So what did he say in his letter?’’ Thomas asked curiously smiling at me. I grinned back at him before taking handing him the Ijs’ letter which I still had from earlier.

‘’I think you’ll find it funny,’’ I said as I started to right my reply.

Hey Ijs It’s so good to hear from you. How have you been? No stuck up, rich bitches have screwed with you have they? Because if they have I will have to kick their sorry asses! Yes I am Lord Youngblood’s castle. No I didn’t kill someone I just… lit some guard shacks on fire… and the vault. It has been good here too.

Really? It’s about time someone put that bitch in her pace! Tell Seraphine that she’s awesome and tell her and Rosin I say hello. :) I’m sure Jane doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I’d love to meet Sera too. :)

I miss you too Ijs, a lot. It’s nice to not be at the house now. To many shitty memories there. Speaking of memories I’ve been thinking about dad a lot lately. I don’t know why, I had that dream again… I hate that bastard so fucking much. I know you do too. I can’t wait to see you when you get back home.

Thomas, AKA Mr. Lord Youngblood… :D wouldn’t hurt me. I would kick his ass and then you would. You have nothing to worry about. He is a wonderful guy. The castle is amazing! I believe you about the ghosts now I mean it too! You’ll get to see the castle when you get home I promise and the first thing I’m showing you is the gardens you will love it!

It’s cool that your letter was short just as long as I know you’re alive. This letter is probably shorter then yours. Sorry for that. :) I love you too Ijs. I love you so much and I really, really, really miss you.

Love Kat

I folded the letter and handed it to Thomas who put it in an envelope.

‘’So what did you think of my brother’s letter,’’ I asked grinning. Thomas cracked up laughing.

‘’He sounds amazing!”

‘’He is! You guys would get along great!’’

‘’We probably would, over protective little brother huh?”

‘’Yeah you have no idea I can’t really blame him though.’’

‘’And why is that,’’ Thomas asked smiling lightly.

‘’We’re unbelievably close… If you can’t tell.’’

‘’I can… You really, really miss him don’t you.’’

‘’Yeah… I do.’’
♠ ♠ ♠
o_o Poor Kat!

>_> Kylee just informed me I put Mark instead of Thomas. I'm sorry we were talking about Mark Jansen and I love that man!

I've switched it but this line
‘’Hey are you okay,’' Thomas asked softly. did say

‘’Hey are you okay,’ Mark asked softly. *Facepalm* I fail!