Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

It's Been Six Years...

*Recap:‘’We’re unbelievably close… If you can’t tell.’’
‘’I can… You really, really miss him don’t you?’’
‘’Yeah… I do.’’

Thomas looked towards the floor thinking about something. I didn’t bother to ask what.

‘’I’m not perfect… nor will I ever be, I’m not so special but you are, there’s more to me then you know, there’s things I hide, that you… that you can’t see, that I can’t bear to let you know, what hurts me the most…’’ I sang softly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thomas looking at me. He wasn’t smiling like he normally would have. His eyes showed worry, though I couldn’t really tell why.

‘’Are you sure you’re okay?’’ He asked softly resting his hand on my shoulder.

‘’Yeah I’m fine…’’ I whispered my reply.


Something was up with Kat I knew that much. Maybe she's just missing her brother. I can't blame her though. I miss my little brother too... Maybe, just maybe I can find some way for her to see him. Take her to Sætre... I'm sure Roy would be more then happy to see me, and of course he would like Kat too. He's been so lonely since Edane... I wonder how he is. I haven't talked to him in almost a year. I haven't seen my little brother in 6 years? Damn it's been to long I can't remember anymore. I haven't seen him since I became king.

I glanced over at Kat. She was sitting in the chair with her head leaning against her hand slowly drifting to sleep. I couldn't help but smile.

''Inslapen,'' I said softly in Dutch.

''Je kunt nooit weten dat de last die ik dragen...'' I whispered touching her arm. She was asleep. I smiled as I stood up. I picked her up careful not to wake her up and carried her to my room. I shut the door behind me with my foot and walked over to the bed. I gently laid her down on my bed before walking over to the chair in front of the lit fire place. I sat down gazing at the flames wondering about my family.

It's been six years..
♠ ♠ ♠
Lyrics are mine. Made em up off the top of my head.

Short chapter sorry but I have a lot planned in the next few or so. ;)

Inslapen- Go to sleep.

Je kunt nooit weten dat de last die ik dragen- You can never know the burden I carry.

So we know what's up with Kat now... but what about Thomas?