Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World



I sighed heavily and stepped back, studying my work. This was wrong, all so wrong. I should never have agreed to work for Mephisto. But I'd been so weak. The prospect of receiving whatever I wanted...It was too good to pass. I just wanted her back.

Was it really so bad to do it all for someone I loved? If it meant the end of other people's lives...possibly. Call me selfish or foolish, but now that I was so deep into it, I had no choice. Going back was impossible.

I paced the floor. Mephisto was too powerful for his own good. His ego was bigger than anyone else's I'd ever met. He promised me anything, but would he really give me what I truly wanted? There was always a hidden price in things like this. A part of the deal you weren't made aware of.

These doubts were starting to surface and I was beginning to question my work. Anger and hatred had led me to this and it was what fueled the weapon. It was what would win Mephisto the world.

The doors creaked open and I turned as Mephisto entered the room.

He smiled and my gut twisted. That was his expecting smile; he wanted good news, possibly wanting me to say that I was ahead of schedule or even was nearly done.

"How are things coming, Ariel?" he asked.

"As good as they can be," I said quietly, unable to meet his eyes.

He arched an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "What do you mean? You will have it done by December, won't you?"

"I'm trying my hardest--"

"Obviously, if you wish to be given what you want, you'd try harder than your hardest."

I nodded. "Of course, Lord Mephisto."

His smile returned. "Good." He noticed my disheartened posture. "Don't worry, Ariel. You'll be free soon enough. Remember, you'll be given everything..." His voice was daunting, seeming to echo on the chamber's walls long after he was gone.

But I didn't want everything.

I just wanted Helena back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I get to be Ariel!!! YAY!!! I always liked him even if he could be a douche bag. xD

Its really short. :/ I'm sorry, but did it get the point across? Kinda?

More drama, more plotlines, more secrets, and more...stuff.

Thanks to our commenters!!! <3

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