Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

Like I'm Worth Something

"You okay?" Ijs asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and swallowed the last traces of fear. What was going on?


I walked up the steps to Roy's study and knocked quietly at the door.

"Come in."

I took a deep breath and pressed down on the handle. The fire was not lit and the curtains were closed. It was chilly and gloomy again. When Roy saw it was me, he rose from his seat.


I forced a smile and then dropped it. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course."

I licked my lips. "Who is Lucien?"

He looked at me in surprise. "Why?"

"Why does it matter?" I asked. "He...he spoke to me today in the city."

I saw Roy swallow and he shifted in his stance. "I see."

"He told me that...that you would get me..." I paused, "killed."

Roy rolled his eyes. "Lucien used to work for me. But he began to become senile. He's just a crazy old man. He doesn't mean any harm." I looked at Roy uncertainly and he smiled at me. "You don't believe me?"

I didn't answer and rubbed at my arm uncomfortably. "Its just what he said."

Roy walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I've never misguided you before. Trust me for once." His hand slid to my chin and lifted it so I had to look at him.

He looked at me expectantly and I nodded. "I do trust you."

His lips drew up. "I'm glad you do. Everything else okay?"

I nodded. "I have to get back to work. Thank you, Roy."

I walked down the steps, my doubt lifted slightly. How could I believe that old man? Obviously, Roy would hurt no one. Everyone in the castle loved him. And in the city, I'd heard people say good things about him. As I reached the bottom of the steps, I was too lost in thought, that I bumped into Ulver.

"Sorry, Ulver," I said and threw him a smile.

However, the friendiness was not returned. He shot me glare with his golden eyes and a low growl thundered in his chest before he slowly crawled up the steps.

I looked after him wearily. What was that about? He looked back at me from the top of the staris. I quickly turned and went back to the kitchens.


I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. Lying was not one of my strong points and I hated doing it, especially to Sera. She was so innocent and kind; she didn't deserve it. But I'd done it.

The door creaked open, but I did not turn. I knew it was Ulver and I knew he was not pleased.

I am ashamed of myself.

I looked over my shoulder. "Why?"

His eyes rose to mine, filled with anger. Because I thought you could start your life anew with Seraphine. But I see I was horribly wrong.

"That's what I'm trying to do."

No! That is not at all what you're doing! I see what it is. You're just trying to relive old memories, trying to bring the past back. But you can't do that, Roy! Stop using the poor girl and move on.

"I know that!" I shouted, louder than planned. "I'm not living in the past!"

If you, honestly, believe that you aren't living in the past, then you are unfit to be king. I stepped back at his accusation. If you truly believe this...something is wrong with your mind. I see the way you look at Seraphine. Its the exact same--

"You have no say!" I growled, my fists clenching. "You know nothing! Get out!"

Ulver's angry look softened to pity and that only made me more furious. Fine. But don't come to me when this all blows up in your face.

I set my jaw, glaring at him, and he slowly turned away, walking back out the door. When the door closed behind him, I collapsed in the chair behind my desk. No, this was not happening. He wasn't right. I...I was in love Sera. For her. Nothing else.

No, you're not...You only want to be with her to imagine it to be--

I growled and swept my arm across the desk. The papers flew across the air.

There was nothing wrong with me. There was nothing wrong with what I felt for Sera.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm-hm-hm...Things are going crazy...Everything will be revealed soon. Soon, my friends, soon. :)

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