Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

I'm Sorry

Recap: ‘’We’ll see about that Jon,’’ I said grinning at him before walking out of the library doors.

I walked slowly and reluctantly around the castle. I was half hoping to not run into Thomas anytime soon and half hoping I would run into him. I turned the corner and came across the guard that had showed me where the library was.

‘’Tyler,’’ I said softly.

‘’Yes,’’ he asked taking notice of me.

‘’What are you up to,’’ I asked noticing he was not wearing his uniform which meant he was probably off duty.

‘’Well, actually I was looking for you. I’m off duty right now… which is weird. Thomas decided to let me, Jonathon and some other guys off today. You’d think he’d have everyone working being as tonight is the first part of the summer festival,’’ Tyler explained.

‘’I completely forgot about that, Thomas asked me to do with him.’’

‘’Really? Speaking of him I think he’s looking for you, he said if I saw you to tell you to come see him,’’ he said smiling slightly. I was a little confused by that but ignored it.

‘’Where is he by the way,’’ I asked.

‘’I think he said he was heading up to the tower. He said something else about you, and someone named Ijs whatever that means.’’

‘’Ijs is my brother…’’ I said trailing off.

‘’What would is he planning?” I asked myself out loud unintentionally.

‘’I don’t know… I would go talk to him. Come on I’ll show you where the tower is.’’

‘’Okay,’’ I mumbled following him. I walked ahead of him most of the time. He was a fairly slow walker, something I was not. Maybe he was tired or something. I slowed my pace and allowed myself to walk beside him. He led me through several halls and up a stair case or two.

‘’Here, just go through that door and up the steps. I’ll wait here, if you’re not back down in a couple of minutes I’ll assume he’s up there,’’ Tyler said with a laugh. I smiled at him.

‘’Thanks,’’ I said opening the door and walking up the steps. I opened another door and stepped out to see an amazing view of the whole city. I was in awe at how beautiful it was.

‘’It’s beautiful isn’t it,’’ I jumped hearing Thomas’ voice. He smiled at me.

‘’Yes, it is very beautiful,’’ I replied smiling back at him.

‘’I take it you ran into Ty,’’ he asked.

‘’Yes…’’ I replied quietly.

‘’What’s wrong Kat,’’ he asked resting a hand on my shoulder.

‘’Tyler mentioned you said something about me and Ijs. What the hell was he talking about,’’ I asked sounding angrier then I was.

‘’Damn it, he heard me thinking out loud.’’ Thomas said with a laugh. I raised an eyebrow at him not as amused.

‘’You’re mad at me,’’ he said softly.

‘’No, I just want to know what’s going through your head.’’

‘’What’s going through yours,’’ he questioned.

‘’To be honest, I don’t want to tell you.’’

‘’Fair enough…’’ he said trailing off. ‘’Kat, how would you like to go with me to Sætre. To see Ijs and Lord Khan,’’ Thomas said finally. My jaw dropped slightly.

‘’Wha… what?’’

‘’Will you come with me to talk to the king, and see Ijs,’’ he asked once more.

‘’I would be glad to!’’ I yelled wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.

‘’I thought you might,’’ he said laughing returning the hug.

‘’I sent a letter to Roy asking if he would mind, and he said he’d be glad to have us stay with him.’’

‘’That’s great.’’

‘’I also made sure to tell him about Ijs.’’

‘’What did he say,’’ I asked nearly forgetting what I really wanted to talk to him about.

‘’He said…’’he trailed off to annoy me. ‘’That he’d be more then happy to pull him out of classes for a day so he could spend time with you.’’

‘’He’d really do that,’’ I asked disbelief.

‘’Of course he would, Roy and I were best friends back in school and we still are. It’s been a long time sense I’ve seen Roy so It’ll be nice for us to catch up as well.’’

‘’Thank you, Thomas,’’ I said softly as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

‘’There’s still something on your mind,’’ he said suddenly, ‘’I can tell, what’s wrong.’’

‘’It’s noth-‘’

‘’Kat, don’t lie to me.’’ Thomas said cutting me off. I thought about it for a moment. Just say it damn it.

‘’Who is Amy,’’ I asked bluntly. I saw the light in his eyes die down quickly. He looked down thinking. After a few minutes he closed his eyes and swallowed hard.

‘’Alyssa said she was your daughter…’’ I said softly.

‘’Adoptive daughter, well, not even that really, I looked after her like she was my daughter,’’ he finally said.

‘’We were not related by blood. About a year after I became king I went for a walk down in the city I ran into her. She was scared out of her mind running from something. I decided to take her back to the castle with me. Whenever I asked what she was so afraid of she wouldn’t tell me. I don’t know… I just felt like I had to protect her. She was about 10 years old. Not long after she came here she got really sick from something, there was nothing I, or anyone else could do. She was in so much pain it hurt me to see her like that. I swear I could feel her pain then, and I still do, even now. I had to put her out of her misery; I had one of the guards do that for me, I couldn’t bear to watch… I just told her good night, and said good bye. I still feel like… if I would have waited. I could have saved her…’’ Thomas explained in a soft voice. I regretted asking him now… Why do I always cause people so much fucking pain. I thought miserably hating myself for it.

I just had to ask didn’t I! I mentally yelled at myself.

‘’I… I’m sorry…’’ I choked out.

‘’Don’t be, it’s okay,’’

‘’How can you say that!?’’ I yelled unintentionally. ‘’It’s not okay!’’ I yelled again. I sighed agitated and hating myself. I felt an arm wrap around me. I knew it was Thomas. I wanted away from him… but I didn’t fight back.

‘’Shh…’’ he said trying to calm me. Thomas wrapped his arms tighter around me.

‘’I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me, I don’t mind bringing that up. It hurts yes, but I have to live with it even if I wish I didn’t. I won’t try to forget it because that will only make it more painful.’’

‘’Come on, you should go get ready for the festival,’’ Thomas said smiling lightly at me.

‘’You’re right,’’ I said finally.

‘’I should,’’ I said grinning for some reason. Thomas saw the look on my face and laughed. He let go of me and walked towards the door. I followed behind him walking down the steps. We walked together until we reached his room.

‘’I’ll meet you at the main door in the foyer in a couple of hours okay,’’ Thomas said smiling at.

‘’Okay,’’ I said smiling at him. He walked into his room and I made my way back to my room to get ready.
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I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH!!! It's so sad, but it also has some happiness in it. <3 This is a long one. The next one will be even longer. The next one is a two parter. ;) We're getting really close to the climax and the official introduction of our antagonist SO... BE EXCITED BE VERY EXCITED! I'm pretty sure Kylee's next chapter will have an oh shit moment. xD