Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

Deny, deny, deny!

Recap:‘’She’s yours now, Lord Youngblood.’’ Wait what did he just say? I turned around and came face to face with none other than our king.

Oh shit.

His dark brown eyes locked onto my face. I didn’t look at him but I could feel his eyes on me, scanning over me as if to threaten me in some way. I heard the door shut behind me as Jonathon excused himself from the room without out Lord Youngblood’s permission. Yep, he definitely reminds me of my friend. I stood up not phased by the king standing in front of me.,

‘’So, Katariina,’’

‘’Kat, I don’t go by anything else, Lord Youngblood,’’ I said in a monotonous voice.

‘’Please call me Thomas,’’ I stayed silent, he was testing me, I knew he was and I wasn’t one to give up a fight easily. I looked at him directly now, he had long, straight, dark brown hair that was just beyond his shoulders, and dark brown eyes. He like Jonathon, was much taller then me. Why am I so short?

‘’I suppose you’re wondering why you’re here.’’

‘’Hmm no, not really,’’ I said looking around the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thomas smile.

‘’You sure are a brave one, aren’t you.’’ He said walking up to me. I took a step back being as he had decided to put less than a foot of space between us. I had to admit, Mr. King here was intimidating, but hardly at all. I think that is more my claustrophobic side speaking. He doesn’t scare me.

‘’Depends on what you call brave,’’ I replied. There was no way possible that I was going to give him a straight answer.

‘’Most people here, especially under the circumstances that you’re here because of, would be scared as hell.’’

‘’Well, I don’t scare easily.’’

‘’How are you so sure of that,” he asked skeptically taking another step forward. I did the same and found myself against the door. Annoyed I just looked up at him and grinned.

‘’You sure are brave to try and scare me,’’ I said laughing.

‘’Most people, in your situation, would be scared as hell to get this close to me, because they’d get their ass kicked.’’

‘’Well, I suppose I’m like you, I don’t scare easily,’’

‘’Good we’ll get along just fine then, but I suggest you back the hell up.’’

‘’Especially if you want to be able to walk for the rest of the night,’’ I continued.

‘’What are you going to do if I don’t?’’ He asked taking a half a step forward. I raised my hand and placed it on his chest, pushing him back.

‘’If you’re not going to kill me for my crime like you would any body else then what are you going to do with me?’’ He grinned.

‘’Oh I’m not going to kill you. I have something better in mind.’’

‘’Okay I’ll pretend that didn’t sound creepy and pedo-ish.’’ He started laughing at my remark.

''Come here,'' he said taking a step back and turning. I was waiting for him to continue walking to wherever he was going, but realized that he wasn't going to move until I did. I reluctantly walked forwards until I was beside him. He placed his hand on my back and continued walking towards the window. I'm not a touchy-feely person at all so, his hand on my lower back was driving me insane. I stood in front of the already open window and Thomas moved to where he was behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders --which also annoyed the hell out of me-- and looked over my shoulder out the window. I could feel his breath on my neck which sent a chill down my spine. Great... I knew exactly what he was looking at. Even from here even though it was hard to, you could see the smoke still rising in the distance.

''No, I'm certainly not going to kill you,'' he said in a low voice.

''You're stuck with me now, you're not afraid of death, so, death wouldn't be a very good punishment now would it? No... it wouldn't.'' He said laughing softly.

''You are fearless, you've never been scared of something or someone before, but I intend for that to change.'' He said letting his hands move slowly down my arms before letting me go and walking over to the desk in the corner. I didn't dare look over at him even if his back was turned to me.

‘’Alyssa,’’ he said suddenly calling for someone.

‘’Yes,’’ a girl a few years older then me said softly. Where did she come from? She wasn’t there before was she?

‘’Could you show Katariina to her room please,’’ he asked smiling at her softly.

‘’O…okay,’’ she stuttered taking my hand and pulling me towards the door. Well, it was more like me pulling her. As soon as I was out the door I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Much to my surprise it sounded shaky.

‘’Are you alright,’’ Alyssa asked looking over at me. Finally some one who doesn’t tower over me.


‘’I asked if you were alright,’’ she replied.

‘’Yeah,’’ I said laughing.

‘’I’m fine,’’

‘’Well you’re breathing like he scared the living hell out of you,’’ she said laughing.

‘’No, I’m just don’t like having people so close to me.’’

‘’Uh huh, sure,’’ she said grinning. I was surprised I don’t get along with many people, and if I do it takes a while, but me and Alyssa are getting along fine so far.

‘’Come on,’’ she said walking down the hall. It was now that I noticed she wasn’t exactly walking it was more like…uhm… floating. She must’ve saw me looking at where she was hovering because she cracked up laughing.

‘’Are you…’’

‘’Yes I’m a ghost,’’ she said grinning like the Cheshire cat. I smiled back at her.

‘’So that’s how you appeared from out of nowhere.’’

‘’Yep,’’ she said grinning. ‘’Now come on I’m sure you’re tired,’’ she said and continued making her way down the hall. I smiled and ran after her to catch up. You would never notice that she was a ghost unless you looked down while she was moving. She looked human enough… until she floated right through the door that I now stood in front of. I opened the door and walked inside. My jaw hit the floor. The room was bigger then my living room and my living room was HUGE.

‘’Holy h—what am I gonna do with all this space?’’ I asked looking around. There was a desk at the front, a window to the other side of the bed that had shiny black curtains that I especially like. My bed was amazing, it looked so comfy I wanted to flat out just dive into it, but I took a moment to take in the details. It was a canopy bed with a sheer dark red veil. I walked over to it and pulled back the veil and sat on the edge. I was right the bed felt like heaven, of course the black, silk covers made it even better. I stretched out and instantly felt like I was floating.

‘’I take it you like it,’’ Alyssa said laughing.

‘’Yes! I love it!’’

‘’Be sure to tell Lord Youngblood that,’’ she said grinning.

‘’I will!’’ I said laughing as I jumped up taking notice of the huge closet to my right. I flung open the door and this time my jaw damn near fell off. The closet was huge maybe not as big as the room its self but it was still pretty big. I looked through some of the clothes. There was everything from jeans and t-shirts to night clothes and floor length gowns. It was incredible.

‘’The closet is awesome huh?’’ Alyssa asked laughing and all I could do was nod. Alyssa went over to one side of the closet and took a night gown off of the hanger before handing it to me.

‘’Here this will be more comfortable to sleep in then those jeans,’’ she said smiling. I took it from her and looked over it. It was thin strapped and went to just above my knees.

‘’I’ll wear it but don’t you dare think I’ll ever leave this room with it on.’’

‘’Oh come on it’s not like Thomas will see you,’’ she said winking at me. My eyes widened.

‘’Oh hell no! I’d never let that happen!’’

‘’Oh you would enjoy that and you know you would!”

‘’No, no, no, no, hell no,’’ I said laughing.

‘’Whatever! Deny, deny, deny!’’

‘’I’m not denying anything!’’

‘’Okay what ever you say Kat!’’ I smiled at her before moving behind the door to change.

’’So how long have you been here at the castle?’’

‘’Hmm I’d say seven years now I think, I’ve been dead for nine years.’’

‘’So do you like Thomas?” I asked walking out from behind the door to my bed.

‘’First off, you look amazing, second, he’s wonderful, if you give him the chance.’’ She said grinning at me and raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and stretched out.

‘’Seriously, I love it here and Thomas is really nice,’’ she sitting beside me. I yawned unable to suppress my sleepiness anymore.

‘’Well, I’m gonna go ahead and let you get some sleep,’’ Alyssa said getting up and going to the door.

‘’Good night,’’ I said softly as she opened the door.

‘’Good night.’’ I climbed under the covers and looked over at the window. After a while I slowly drifted to sleep.
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Hehe I like this chapter