Sequel: Design Your Universe
Status: Active

Rule the World

Curiosity Killed the Kat

Recap:‘’Good night.’’ I climbed under the covers and looked over at the window. After a while I slowly drifted to sleep.

I awoke to a cold, chilly air in my room. I refused to open my eyes though. I wrapped the blankets tighter around me but it didn’t do me much good. I finally gave up and opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes getting up.

I looked over at the window to find that it was dark. I made my way over to the door, opened it –completely forgetting what I was wearing-- and made my way down the hall. The stone floor was cold against my feet but I really didn’t care. The windows along the right side were letting in moonlight which gave the hall an eerie sense to it. I wandered around for a while before I finally found the room that I had been in when I first got here when I was talking to Thomas.

Damn me for not paying attention when Alyssa was showing me to my room. I hesitated to going inside being as the door was opened slightly. Curiosity killed the Kat I thought smiling to myself. I walked over to the door and pushed it open. I walked inside not really caring to look around thinking no one would be in here.

‘’What are you doing up,’’ a familiar voice asked. I turned around to find Thomas sitting in a chair at the desk.

‘’I should be asking you the same thing,’’ I said walking to the window. I stared out over the city but could hardly see anything. It was too dark outside to make out any of the buildings. I thought to myself for a few minutes about my brother, Ijs. I wonder how school at Sætre is going for him. Hopefully good I don’t want none of the rich bitches scarring him for life.

I was so deep into thought that I didn’t realize Thomas behind me until he rested his hands on my shoulders again. He sure likes doing that doesn’t he? This time he did something I didn’t expect. He rested his head on my shoulder. Okay why is he acting this way? It’s annoying.

I was doing my best to resist the urge to turn around and slap the hell out of him. He carefully slipped the straps of the night gown off of my shoulders then moved his hands resting them on my arms. He nuzzled my neck before he pressed his lips gently against my neck. What the FUCK is he doing? I thought as my heart started racing.

I tried pushing against him to get him to stop and let me go but he wouldn’t for some damn reason. The next thing I knew I was against the wall facing him. I didn’t even have time to process the position I was in before my instincts kicked in and I fought against Thomas’s death grip on me to get away from him. I was –with surprising ease from Thomas-- pushed back into the wall.

‘’What the hell,’’ I yelled hating that fact that he was way to close to me. Wait a minute! He knows I don’t like being so close to anybody he’s trying to piss me off! I instantly forced myself to calm down. Thomas had an annoyed smirk on his face, like he had won me over or something.

He rested his hands gently on my sides. I bit my lip. Why is my heart racing? I asked myself ignoring the sudden knot forming in my stomach. I swallowed hard to stop it.

‘’You’re freaking out like crazy right now,’’ Thomas said laughing softly.

‘’You wish,’’ I retorted.

‘’Then breathe,’’ he said grinning. I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. I wasn’t holding my breath was I? Shit. I thought realizing he was right. I was mentally cussing myself out. Then I smirked if he wants to screw with my head I’ll screw with his. I smiled up at Thomas before I wrapped my arms around his neck surprising him.

‘’What are you thinking?’’ Thomas asked looking in my eyes as he backed away from the wall still not letting me go. I smiled at him and stayed silent. He wrapped his arms tighter around me as I laid my head on his shoulder. My mind strayed, there was no way I could do what I had been planning on now. For once I was actually… enjoying myself. I couldn’t explain the feeling. I opened my eyes and I realized now that we were –somewhat-- dancing.

‘’Can you sing,’’ Thomas asked suddenly pulling me out of my thoughts.

‘’Uh… I guess I don’t know my dad always told me I could.’’

‘’Then sing.’’ I smiled lightly thinking of some lyrics.

‘’ Its haunting, This hold that you have over me, I grow so weak, I see you, And
everything around you fades, And I can't see, You can never know what it is you do to…’’ I couldn’t even finish the line before the words got to me. I closed my eyes tight fighting back tears and unintentionally buried my face into Thomas’ chest. He must’ve noticed the change in me because the next thing I heard was him asking if I was alright, or at least I think that’s what he asked. I was fighting my hardest to not start crying right in front of him to hear anything he or anybody else said.

‘’Kat, what’s wrong?’’ He asked letting go of me.

‘’N… nothing I’m fine.’’ I said pulling away from him until he stopped me. He tried to look into my eyes but I looked away refusing to let him. Eventually he just gave up and pulled me into a hug. When he finally let go again I whispered a soft thanks and said goodnight before walking to the door and leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is definitely different from my other chapters. Well, half of it is anyway. I think these next few chapters will have a different feel to them. I hope you liked it!

I know I could just imagine this, it'd be cute! (O_O I'm sitting here think where the hell that came from... Weird...) Why do we keep leaving you with cliff hangers I can assure you it's unintentional (on my part anyway) but it makes it so you can't wait for the next chapter. Don't worry I feel your pain I can't wait till Kylee updates! :D Bye!

Hmm I don't really like the way I wrote this for some reason. I dunno why I just don't. The lyrics credit go to In This Moment and their song The Promise :)