‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

It's a Date

“So, let me get this straight, you did ‘mhm’ and haven’t spoken since?” Val asked, picking Dylan up and placing him on her lap. They were going for ice cream as they had finished shopping.
“Yeah, he said that ‘it was a mistake, we’re amazing friends, why ruin that?’,” Grace shook her head and looked at the ground, “He played me for a fool-”

“I don’t think he meant it, you know Brian as well as we do-” Leana piped up.

“Then why not fuc- I mean freaking talk to me in a week, he walks out the freaking room if I’m in it,” Grace and Brian had returned home from Oakland shortly after their talk that day, saying goodbye to her parents - and changing the sheets first.

“I just, I think I need to get away, to sort my head out-”

“Gracie,” Val scolded, “Don’t you dare run away,”

“It’s not running away Val, it’s being grown up about the situation. He doesn’t want me, I can live with that, but I think he needs space and I’m going to give him it.”

“Where will you go?” Leana asked, taking a bite of her strawberry ice cream.

“I don’t know… I don’t actually have any holiday time left at the hospital, so I might just work double shifts instead…”

“You’ll work yourself into a grave, Grace.” Grace shrugged.
The next day, at work, Grace put in for three slots of over time over the next week.

“Oh, hey, I kind of don’t know where I’m supposed to be-” a young man, no older than Grace was asking Marie, a newer, ruder nurse. Marie looked at him, then blinked and walked away.

Grace shook her head at her, “Can I help you, uh…”

“Dr. Greene,” he supplied, Grace looked at him, that’s odd, that’s not Dr. Greene.

“Junior,” he said, with a smile, Grace nodded her head, a son, makes sense now.

“Anyway, yeah, I’m looking for ICU, I’m working there under my dad’s ‘supervision’.

“You’re standing in it,” Grace smiled, they started walking, “Uh, this is where I get off, I’m afraid,”

He smiled, “No, problem, I’ll see you around,”

“Yes, you will,” she smiled back.

“Hey, wait, Grace, right?” she nodded, “Well, I’m new to the area, I lived with my mom, anyway, you fancy going out tomorrow night, for dinner?”

“I would love to,”

“Then, uh, it’s, uh a date,”