‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


Staring at the pregnancy test in her hand, Grace’s world felt like a Roman Fort, crumbling down around her. Tears fell from her once sparkling eyes and she sighed. Her life was over. She had to tell him.

But how to do it?

Could she just come right out with it? Or would that scare him half to death
much the way she was feeling at the minute?

Or would she just write it down?

No. No, that was too impersonal.

It looked like telling him face-to-face was the only way, but how could she tell someone he was going to be a father if he wouldn’t even sit in the same room as her?

She picked up the phone, she’d call in sick and then go and see him. The sooner she got it out the way, the sooner they could decide what they were going to do. He had a say in it, after-all.

Next, she called Jake and cancelled her date. Some things were just more important.

Putting on her jacket and picking up her car keys she sighed, she wasn’t looking forward to this.

“He might not be in,” she thought to herself, and she secretly hoped, but that was unlikely. The guys were having a holiday before their tour. It was also a Thursday, after midday, which meant the guys were having a barbeque and if Grace remembered correctly it was at Matt’s last week, therefore it was Brian’s turn this week.

She’d call him first.

Grace picked up the phone and dialled the number, “Hello?” someone, who sounded like Zacky asked into the phone.

“Hey, Zack? It’s Grace, Brian’s there right?”

“Well, this is kinda his house, Gra- hang on a minute, aren’t you supposed to be working?”

“Yeah bu-”

“An excuse to get out of barbie day huh? Why I ought-”

“Zack, shut up, I called in sick, I’m coming over,” she hung up the phone, Zack was a pain in the ass to talk to with a few beers in him.

Grace finished buttoning up her coat and walked out to her car. The drive to Brian’s was short ordinarily, but today, it was really, really short, and Grace was shaking as she drove.

Getting out of her car, she picked up her purse and walked towards Brian’s back gate.

She took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.”
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Practising for my English exam? Haha that's my excuse, I really can't motivate myself to do chemistry at the moment *le-sigh*