‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


“Brian?” he looked up at Grace, his expressionless face unwavering. “Can I talk to you? It won’t take long, maybe take a walk on the beach?” Brian nodded slightly and got up from beside the pool where he had been sitting with his younger sister McKenna.

They walked, silently for the most part, down the garden and out to the beach. The cool, salty air made the hair on the back of Grace’s neck to stand on end, it was chillier out here.

“How have you been Grace?” he asked her, nonchalantly.

“That‘s sort of why I‘m here, Brian,”

“What? What’s wrong? You’re ok right?” he asked, stopping them both in their tracks.

“So you do care,” Grace thought to herself, smiling slightly.

“Brian, I’m fine, well health wise anyway,”

“What do you mean?” he asked, resuming his walking as Grace followed suit.

“Brian, I’m pregnant,”

“Uh, I, I, uh, congratulations?” he stuttered.

“It’s yours,”

Brian looked down at the ground, his hand running through his hair, he looked almost serene, peaceful even. Then his dark eyes went darker, almost black and his eyes went wide. The hairs on his arms stood on end and he started to shake.

“I, I, I can’t believe you!” he shouted at her, “We were careful Grace! There’s no way, this, this thing is mine!” he continued shouting, pointing down at her stomach.

“Yeah? Well I don’t believe you!” she shouted back, equally as loud, “I can’t believe you think I’m after your money, or, or you’re fame,” she spat out, tears rolling down her cheeks, “I, I thought you of all people would help me through this, would su- support me,” Grace sunk down to the sand and curled up. The sand moved and she knew Brian was there. He put and arm on her shoulder, which she abruptly shook off.

Brian looked at her crying form, he’d blown it this time.

Dialling the only people he knew she would listen to, he was mentally kicking himself. He should never have thought that of her. He knew her, she wasn’t like that. This was Grace, always thinking of others, and now he’d killed her spirit.