‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


“Is he gone?” Grace asked Gena as she walked into the kitchen.

“Yeah, he’s gone. Look, Gracie-” Grace glared at her, “Hear me out Grace. The man’s a mess, he’s on our couch most nights too drunk to walk. I’m not condoning anything he said or did to you, but please, think about talking to him-”

“-I tried talking to him, Gena.” Grace growled over the mug of hot chocolate Val laid out in front of her. “And it got me here. So if you have any bright ideas, I’m all ears, but at this precise minute in time, I don’t know him, he’s not my best friend - let alone my baby’s dad. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get dressed.” She stood up and the chair scraped across her wooden floors as she turned on her heel and left her two friends looking at her retreating back.

“Well that went better than I thought it would,” Val smirked, drinking her coffee.

“Meh,” Gena shrugged, “Mrs Sanders?”

“Yes Ms Paulhaus?”

“Your food’s burning.”

The mall was near enough empty when the girls arrived. Grace had decided to leave the house, with little persuasion from Val or Gena, in order to make herself feel better. What better way to cheer yourself up than shopping?

“Have you seen the Hot Topic Baby line?” Gena asked, squealing as she scurried over, carrying as many baby grows as her petite hands would allow.

“Guys, we’re not here for a baby that isn’t even born yet. Give me some time to adjust, geez,” Grace laughed.

“Val?” they heard a man’s voice ask. Val turned around, it was Zack, and Jimmy.

“Hey, guys,” she smiled, they walked over with their laden arms but stopped short when they saw Grace.

“Well, hello there stranger.” Jimmy smiled, pulling her into one of his death-grip-hugs. Ignoring her spluttering complaints he dragged her over to the food hall and over to a table where Johnny, Matt, Leana and Lacey were sitting. He directed her to a seat across from where Zack had parked and she sat down.

“Right, so Johnny you wanted a coffee, Leana an iced tea- Grace?” it was Brian, how could Jimmy be so stupid?

“Excuse me,” Grace said, getting up from her seat and trying to leave the food court, ignoring the guys’ shouts and protests at her leaving.

“She’s not talking to him? I thought they resolved it- ow!” Jimmy could be heard clearly in amongst them.

“Grace! Gracie, please, talk to me-”

“I tried that Brian.” she said, still walking, not facing him. She didn’t want him to see her cut up, to see her hurting over what he had done.

“I know, I- Grace, I’m sorry.” She turned to face him.

“Let’s get out of here. If you’re going to grovel, and I assure you, that’s the only way I’m going to forgive you, then I may spare you some of your dignity.”
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I'm on study leave (at long last) and I think I have glandular fever (gross right?). There'll probably be another update to keep my mind alive haha.