‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

To Stay Strong

Much like Matt, Grace had been brought up a Catholic, to believe in God - a higher power.

Much like Matt, she found it hard. In her job, she knew nothing was up to God, it was doctors, medicine that save lives, miracles just didn’t happen.

Lying in the hospital bed, her faith was being pushed to the limit. She found it hard to believe that everything happened for a reason and that everything was for the best, it couldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be this way.

She never realised how much she wanted it, until it was gone. Grace wanted her baby more so than she had since she found out she was expecting, and even though it was now impossible, she still hadn’t shed a single tear.

She couldn’t.

She stared at the white sterile walls.

She never shed a tear when Dr Greene had said to both her and Brian, “I’m very sorry, but it seems your baby never implanted. There was, nothing, we could do.” Brian broke down, but not even the cold, harsh demeanour made her cry.

Was there something wrong with her? Was it just shock?

Everyone was there, trying to pull each other through this. Everyone crying, it was as if they’d lost a great friend, someone who’d always been there and still Grace stared.

It was as if she was in denial.

“Gracie, you have to grieve, you can’t keep it all bottled up. It’s not good for you Grace.” Val sat down next to her, “Talk to me Gracie. Let it all out.”

“He-she-it was there, not two hours ago. I don’t know what I did wrong. I know it’s your bodies way of protecting itself, but what did I do to make it endangered?”

“Grace, this wasn’t your fault, no one could have foreseen this.” it was Gena, with the rest of the Avenged Sevenfold girls.

“Where’s Brian?” Grace asked.

“The guys took him for coffee, trying to calm him down a bit…” Leana answered. “I’ll go get him if you like.” Grace nodded.

“I think, I think he’s the only one that’s going to get me through this.” Leana left heading for the cafeteria while the other girls surrounded her.

“You’ll be ok Gracie, you’re the strongest person I know.” Val smiled, hugging her.

“Gracie?” it was Brian.

“Come in.” the girls left. “How you holding up.”

“Grace, don’t as me that, I’m supposed to ask you. You’re the one who, who… well, you know…”

“I-I-know.” she broke down, her barrier burst, and the tears came thick and fast. Brian rushed over, trying to sooth her, and stay strong himself.

He got in beside her, “We’ll get through this Grace, we’ll do it, I know we will.” he held her close, rocking her back and forward ever so slightly, rubbing her back and whispering soothing words.