‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

Meet and Greet

‘Meet and Greet’ was being held after the show as opposed to before as they were late on arriving. Grace and Matt (Berry) had drawn the short straws and were in charge of the whole thing. It did, however, beat working the merch table, both of them had had a run in a few nights prior with an angry mother, a memory neither of them wished to relive.

After the guys’ set, Jason shoved Grace off the cargo-box she had been sitting on throughout the performance as he wanted to, ‘get packed up and get drunk’ - his exact words. She decided then was better than ever to start setting up the room. Jason had already set up the table and chairs, so it was just a matter of setting out posters and promo items for the lucky fans. Oh, and getting some beer for the guys of course.

“Mattie!” she smiled and Matt walked into the room, obviously having the same idea as her.

“All set up I take it Gracie.” she nodded and looked out the door at the small line of about 10 kids who were eagerly anticipating the first sighting of their favourite band. No more than 5 minutes later the crowd gave a mighty roar, much louder than Grace had been expecting due to their small number, and Avenged Sevenfold stumbled into the room, still high on adrenaline.

“Graaaace,” Brian walked towards her, eyes twinkling, she knew what he was going to do.

“Brian! Brian, seriously, don’t, back away-” but Brian didn’t listen and wrapped his sweaty arms around her, covering her in a thin sheen of sweat too. She grimaced, scrunching her nose, “Damn you smell bad. Thanks for that Brian, really.”

“Don’t mention it,” he said smiling and accepting a beer.

“Hey, you guys ready for the fans to come in yeah?” Matt asked, after quickly briefing the kids of the ‘does’ and ‘don’ts’, not that they’d listen to, or even remember it for that matter. The guys nodded and Matt lifted the barrier.
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Sorry this has taken a while, and is kinda short and pointless, it was mein Geburtstag (I've been revising german) and then I saw Panic(!) live :D, better update up soon :D.