‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

His Mistress

Sleeping in the same bed as Brian, after Grace knew he had reconciled with Michelle was awkward - to say the least. She refused to move though, standing her ground, she had the bed first, no way was she waltzing in and making her move! The tension between both girls was pretty intense, however much both tried to deny it, it was there.

Brian, the ever oblivious male, never noticed any of this. To be fair, he was busy with writing a new album, but Grace did give him many hints that something (or someone) was pissing her off.

Still, Brian persevered, going over to give her a hug in bed at night and receiving an elbow in the ribs (or the groin) and thinking nothing of it.


However, both Grace and Michelle kept it on the down-low when they were around other people, acting like best friends. They didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s vacation and the boys’ work time.

It did hurt Grace though. Seeing Michelle flaunting her and Brian’s freshly ignited relationship. Brian, however, disgusted her. He slept in the same bed as his best friend - a girl - when his girlfriend was next door, all alone.

And still, she let him sleep in the same bed as her, let him touch her, hold her - fuck her (when she was in a good mood and he had hardly seen Michelle - she didn‘t feel as guilty then).

No matter how disgusted she was with him, she knew he was there for a reason, there was something that was keeping him there.

No matter how disgusted she was in herself, condoning him cheating on his girlfriend, she knew she was there for a reason but she knew what was keeping her there.


She loved him, no matter how disgusting, how much of a pig he was being, she loved him.

And so Grace slipped into the seedy world of Brian’s mistress, whether she liked it or not. It did, unbelievably keep the tension between herself and Michelle at bay. She found within the next few days that she stayed out of her way more often - which meant she only really saw Brian at night. Unless, when everyone went out, he feigned a migraine and Grace ‘went for a shower’.

As much as Grace was ashamed to admit it, she enjoyed it - being his mistress. The secrecy, the wildness, the danger, it was all quite a turn-on.