‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

Revelations and Shock

Grace wasn’t home for long, it was Christmas in a few days and there wasn’t one Christmas she hadn’t spent with her parents. So the Monday before she packed up all the presents she had bought and dropped them off at the guys’ houses (even Zack’s) on her way up to Berkeley.

The car ride there took longer without Brian with her, or it felt as though it did, in truth though, she made it there faster, shaving a good two hours off the journey.

The house was empty when she arrived, with a note attached to the refrigerator telling her that her parent’s had taken her brother, Liam out for the day to get the remainder of the shopping, and that Kevin wouldn’t be arriving until later on that day. She had to house to herself for the day, it was sunny out and she wasn’t going to waste it.

Putting her bags into her bedroom, she decided she’d get changed and go down to the livery yard, maybe go out hacking. She grabbed her car keys and drove the fifteen minute journey down to Piedmont Stables.

Grace parked her car and walked along the stalls to Quo’s who was out in his paddock, she grabbed his halter and a couple of carrots and walked off towards the field.

Her hack was enjoyable, if not slightly unnerving as Quo was like a walking time bomb with him being so fresh. She drove home content, and for the first time in as many weeks, truly happy.

She pulled up in the driveway next to her brother’s car and took in her tack for cleaning.

“Are you going to put the metal in the dishwasher?” Kevin asked her.

“No, I’m using a bucket, wouldn’t want mom to have an aneurism again.” they laughed.

“C’mere, Gracie,” he smiled, gesturing to her with open arms. “How you been kid?” she thought about lying to him, about keeping her miscarriage and everything a secret, but Kevin was always the one she turned to when she was a kid, and she felt herself drawn to telling him everything.

With every word she spoke the pressure surrounding her chest eased and she didn’t feel as closed in. Of course he was shocked about the whole Brian situation, and told her the same thing she’d been told a million times before, “Get out of there, Grace! You’ll be the one getting hurt…” and so on, unlike everyone else though, he promised to kill him. The thing is though, Kevin probably could if he wanted to, not many people could say that about Brian Haner, but Kevin was a tank, and he had Scottish blood running through his veins. Fearless and fearsome are the Scots.

The house phone rang and Grace went to get it, “Hello?” she asked when she answered.

“Grace, it’s dad…”