‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


Dressed in her little green Betsy Johnson dress with the black waistband that came in at the waist and flowed back out again to accentuate her womanly curves, Grace wasn’t exactly dressed for the weather - or the country. The rain poured down around her as she stood, glaring out at it from under the terminal roof overhang, waiting on her ride.

Her cousin was late which, if Grace was honest with herself, didn’t disheartened her as much as the rain, she expected it. Grace had been in the city of Glasgow a mere twice - well, three times now - in her lifetime.

It rained all three times. She knew Leith wouldn’t be much better.

Cold, tired and getting slightly wet from the rain she resigned to a seat just inside the building. Just as she was about to sit down however, a man came out, carrying a load of papers. The man turned to sit down opposite her, but tripped over one of the many straps on one of her many suitcases and sent his paperwork flying.

He sighed looking dejectedly at the ground, “That’s the third time today,” he said with a thick Scottish accent, and bent down to gather them.

Grace sprang to her feet, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, really I am,” she bent down to help him, “Can I get you a coffee to apologise?”

“I really have to-”

“Just the one, it’s the least I can do,”

He smiled, “You’ve twisted my arm, California.”

She smiled and lugged her suitcases back into the building and over to the Starbucks counter, she order an iced vanilla latté for herself and a mocha latté for her companion, who she found out was named, Brian. How apt, she thought, this guy is kind of cute.

They sat down at one of the nearby tables and starting talking, passing the time.

“California?” she asked him.

“Yeah, it’s where you’re from.”

“And you know that how?” she asked.

“You’ve got that look?”

“That look?” she asked incredulously, laughing along also.


“Grace! There you are, I’ve been looking all over!” her cousin, Jen, burst into the coffee shop.

“Hey, my rides here, I’ll see you around.” she smiled and he thanked her for the coffee. She left the airport with a smile on her face. Despite the rain.