‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

Zack's Mouth

Being on the road again gave Brian a sort of thrill. So much so that he didn’t even bother about the fact that they were touring the UK or, more to the point, he was touring the UK sober, vowing to clean up his act. Besides, they were going to Glasgow, and that was in Scotland, maybe he’d see her. He couldn’t think like that though. What if he got his hopes up and he never saw her again?

Isn’t it strange that you never know what you’ve got going for yourself ‘til it’s gone?

Brian knew now that that wasn’t a mere coincidence and that he was supposed to love and appreciate everything he’s given in life. Why couldn’t he have with Grace? He had no idea, maybe he just took it for granted that she’d always be there for him, there to fall back on. Her leaving had been the jolt he’d needed to get himself together. No more drinking loads in the UK, eating kebabs and getting hugely overweight for him anymore. No. he was off beer - and kebabs for that matter, and it felt good.

They were starting in London and working their way up the small island by bus, reaching Scotland in about two to three weeks, playing Glasgow‘s Carling Academy on the 30th of January. They did however, plan on getting there early as they’d never had the opportunity to see the historical (and haunted) city of Edinburgh in detail.

The British tour buses, Brian noticed, were a lot smaller than their American counterparts. Or had the simply gotten larger living it up back home? He wasn’t sure, but he made a mental note to weigh himself at the next opportunity.

He trudged outside the bus, grabbing his smokes on the way out. He stood beside Zack who handed him a light.

“’Sup dude?” he asked, his thick Californian drawl ever present, that little piece of home.

“Heh.” Brian shrugged his shoulders.

“That bad, huh?”

“I didn’t know it’d be this, this… hard. Without her, you know?”

“Who, Grace?” Zack asked stamping his cigarette butt out.

“No, the fucking tooth fairy.” Brian smirked at his friend.

“I called her, she’s coming out.”

“What do you mean you called her? She didn’t leave a numb-” Zacky tried to slink off while Brian was ranting, but he was caught and corned, “Alright, cough up, everything, I mean it.”