‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


Unlike Brian, Grace was having the time of her life in the UK, she liked having the freedom to do what she wanted, and not having to worry about work the next day, or what her mother would say. Or Brian for that matter.

She liked working in a bar, having the freedom of choosing her hours, not to mention her new man. Yeah, she was pretty sure she liked him. He did drink more than she did, but that’s not a bad thing, right?

Grace sighed and went back to work at the merch booth, her break was over. The band were playing, which band, she didn’t know, they sounded ok though. She loved the atmosphere of a live show. The adrenaline pumping through everyone’s veins, from the performer to the audience, feeding off each other. Sevenfold were playing in a few days, and in all honesty Grace was nervous. As expected she was working that night, and not really looking forward to it.

The night was drawing to a close and the kids were already beginning to queue up for hoodies, shirts, badges, CDs and the like. She finished sorting out sizes and began her real duty.

“You ready to go, Grace?” Bri’ asked her, she nodded her head and grabbed her coat and purse, preparing to venture out into the ice weather that Glasgow was so happy to oblige with giving.

“Where we going?” Grace asked, teeth chattering together, she wasn’t used to this kind of cold.

“I thought maybe we could go for a drink, then back to mine?” he said, opening Grace’s door for her as she gratefully got out of the cold.

They drove the hour long drive back into Edinburgh’s city centre and parked the car underneath the Omni Centre, getting out and going across to Mood, where the drink flowed and the dancing got dirtier, but Grace really didn’t care, she was having fun, it did her good to let loose.

They went back to his flat on the other side of town, by taxi, and Grace collapsed, exhausted on the couch, taking her shoes and jacket off, she curled. Bri’ had disappeared, she didn’t mind, he’d be back soon enough.

She was right, he was, with a glint in his eye, that she hadn’t seen before, and it scared her a little, she smiled, “Hey.”

“Hey,” he replied huskily walking over to her, sitting down.

He almost seemed to pounce, silently from where he was sitting to on top of her, she hit and kicked and him, eventually biting his bottom lip, which made him spring off her in shock and anger. She sat there, dazed, confused as to what he had just done, he tried it again, and she pushed him off yet again, she wasn’t ready to have sex with him, they hadn’t been together long enough for her to consider that.

He seemed to growl at her, “You lead me on all night and then you don’t follow through?” he seemed to shout, she hadn’t realised he was as drunk as he was.

“I’m not ready to have sex with you,”

“Why not, huh, what’s wrong with me?” he asked getting angrier.

“Nothing, it’s me-” she was cut off by a blow to her cheek, dazed, and not sure whether it was his shoulder or fist that had hit her, she briskly stood up, left the apartment and flagged down a taxi, cheek throbbing all the while.