‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

Road Trip (Part 1)

“Right, that’s the last of it, I’m packed,”

“Packed? Brian, we’re going up to Berkeley for three days, gees,” Grace laughed, shaking her head.

“Yeah, says, ‘Mrs I-have-three-suitcases,’” he stuck his tongue out at her as they left his house and he opened up the boot of his Escalade.

“That’s different, I’m leaving stuff at my parents’ house.” she said throwing her last suitcase in the back as Brian shut the door.

I’m leaving stuff at my parents’ house,” he mimicked childishly.

Grace put her sunglasses on top of her head and raised an eyebrow at him, “What age are you Brian? Seriously,” shaking her head, she climbed into the vehicle.

“You know, I’m kind of glad I’m not going with them on this trip. Can you imagine the arguments they could get into in a confined space?” Jason whispered to his brother Matt, making them both laugh.

“I really have to piss,” Brian complained, squirming a bit in his seat.

“Brian, we’ve only just left bloody Huntington Beach, didn’t you go before we left?” she looked at him, “No, of course you never, that would have been the smart thing to do,” Brian stuck his tongue out at her.

“Fuck it, I have to piss, we’re stopping,” he pulled into the nearest parking lot, which just so happened to be that of a Starbucks and climbed out, practically running in to the building. Grace sauntered in shortly after him.

“What can I get you?” the cashier asked.

“Can I have an iced vanilla latté and-”

“-A blueberry muffin and a cookie for me thanks, Grace,” Brian had waltzed up behind her, placing an arm around her waist. She scowled at him. The cashier looked at her as if for assurance so she nodded.

“Will that be to sit in or take away,” Grace looked up at Brian.

“To go,” he said for her.

They walked out the building together, goods in hand, “Can I get an autograph?” a girl no older than sixteen asked Brian. She held out her pen and pad of paper and Grace noticed her hands were trembling slightly.

“Sure,” he smiled and signed his name, “Grace, can you take our picture?” he asked handing her the girl’s camera. Grace smiled and took their photo.

The girl thanked them both and walked into Starbucks.

“The work of a rock star is never done, right Bri’?” Grace laughed getting into the Escalade.

“What can I say? The people, they a-love me,” he smirked sashaying his way over to the drivers-side, Grace laughed at him.


“You love it,” Grace smirked, if only he knew, “Anyway, how do you think your parents will take me?”

“They’ll be fine, it’s you I’m worried about.”


“You probably won’t be able to understand them,”

“Uh, why?” he asked taking a bite out of his cookie.

“They’re Scottish,”