‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight

Not Ready Yet

In a pair of understated skinny’s, her Ramones shirt and a pair of Chucks Grace was almost ready to face the world, all that was left was to hide her bruise, cleverly, with makeup. Jen wasn’t happy that she was going back to work for him, but Grace was doing this for herself, to see her boys. Her trip hadn’t went exactly to plan.

Walking into the Carling Academy that night, there was an unusual buzz in the air, she was probably imagining it, but Grace liked the feeling. She had timed things wrong and had just missed the boys’ sound-checking, smiling as she watched JB clear up and make sure everything was perfect, she went over to the merch-booth and sorted things into their piles; hoodies, then t-shirts, all set out large, medium, small.

Out of nowhere, Jimmy sprang up, shortly followed by everyone but Brian, (“Lucky coincidence” Grace thought,) coming over to say thanks to the merch workers. Sure, she’d came into work to see them, but on her terms, when she was ready, and preferably not when they spring up randomly. Fate, it seemed wasn’t on her side, and, as they approached, she busied herself with checking the change in the money bags and checking, and rechecking the piles of merchandise.

Her co-worker Gary (or Gaz as he preferred) walked over to the boys, smiling, starting up conversation, while she busied herself for as long as she possibly could. It was going well, this avoiding thing, until Grace heard Gaz start, “Have you met our resident So-Cal girl?”

To which Zack replied, “So-Cal, really? Awesome, where is she?”

“Right here,” Gaz indicated at her, Grace knew he was indicating her, he came over, and dragged her over to them, her hair slightly obscuring her face. “Jings, Grace, never knew you were so shy,” Gaz laughed.

“Grace?” Matt asked, he took a step towards her and raised her chin with his index and middle finger, “Gracie!”

“Wait, you know each other?”

“We… we go way back - Grace, why didn’t you say anything?”

She looked at him, “Because, now that I’m here facing you guys, I’m not ready.”

“Not ready for what, sweetie?” Zack asked, as they all huddled towards her.

“For him, Zack. I thought I was, I thought my head was in a better place, but, in reality, I don’t think being here has made any difference.”

“Gracie, why don’t we head through the back, we can talk better there. You don’t mind if we steal her for a bit, do you?” Matt asked, as Jimmy slid an arm around her waist, leading her in the direction of the Green Room.
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*sigh* Sorry this took sooo long, school has been kicking my ass lately, doesn't help that I've been so uninspired either I suppose...

I don't know, this might finish soon, depending on whether or not I finish off by where I intend to start on the thrid installment - yes third, already ideas in the works.

Anywho, sorry it's so crappy, and short, next chapter phew! it's a doozy all I can say.