‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


A bag of frozen peas and a hangover later and Grace still didn’t know what had came over her. What amused her the most though, was that she wasn’t even sorry. Grace was glad she’d chewed Michelle up and spit her back out, she was glad everything was out in the open. She wasn’t so glad with herself though, she still didn’t know what she wanted.

Deep down she knew they were good together, both sexually and just being there for each other, but was that enough to make up for all the shit? She knew she had the chance to find out now, as Michelle had left pretty sharp-ish as soon as Matt hauled her back towards their side of the fire, and Grace knew she wasn’t coming back for anything other than her belongings.

Papa Gates walked over, the trademark ‘Haner Smirk’ on his face, a fresh bag of frozen peas and a two more painkillers - god did she need them.

“Who taught you to fight?” Matt asked laughing slightly.

“I have two brothers Matt, if I didn’t learn to fight I’d have been flattened.” everyone laughed. After Michelle left, and Brian went after her Grace and the guys went to Papa Gates’, as his house was closest. They’d been there ever since, drinking and continuing their party, even Grace was enjoying herself, though her bruised jaw was making drinking hard.

They heard a door open and close, Grace sighed, she knew he’d arrive eventually. He walked in and fired his car keys onto the table that Grace was leaning against. He ran a hand through his spiky hair, exhaling the air from his lungs and turned towards her.

“Can we have a minute?” he said to everyone in the room, still looking at Grace. She swallowed, the way he was looking at her made her feel like a child again.

“Back yard? Jimmy, grab the beer.” Papa Gates said, as Suzy directed everyone out the back.

He sat down opposite her and put his hands together, for a long time he didn’t say anything, and Grace felt smaller and smaller, “Should you be drinking while you’re taking those?” he asked, pointing at her pain killers and the beer resting next to her.

“I thought I was the nurse?” she smirked, “I’m not drinking, I’m on the orange juice.” he nodded. “How come you’re being civil?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I just chased you’re girlfriend away-”



“Shut up.” they laughed, “You don’t realise how big a favour you just gave me, do you?”

She shook her head, “But I-”

“Grace, shut up.” she nodded her head. “You may have went about it in a… strange way, and everyone now knows how much of an idiot I’ve been to you, and that makes me all the more eager to put things right between us. It’s not going to be easy, I know that Grace, I’ve taken you for granted, and I haven’t been there as often as I should have. I just hope the damage isn’t irreparable, forgive me, Gracie?”

A coy smile ghosted her lips, “Oh, I don’t know-” he looked at her, his eyebrow raised questioningly and a full smiled erupted across her face, she launched herself across the gap and placed a kiss on his lips, fingers caressing his cheek, and he pulled her onto his knee. Wolf whistles and cat calls could be heard from the garden, but they ignored them, lost in each other, placing random kisses across each other’s faces, and finally landing on their lips again, slightly deeper this time, but still innocent. Grace wasn’t sure if it was the painkillers or the fact that she was where she belonged, but she felt like she was floating.